Sirius Black
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Sirius Black Fest 2013: Fic: The Target Shooting Photograph

 Today's entry is not a traditional fest, in that it wasn't written for the fest as per the rules of the fest. However, the translation of this story (which is an onerous task) was done specifically for the fest as a gift for the community. Enjoy!

Title: The Target Shooting Photograph
Author: Currently behind The Veil
Translator: Also behind The Veil
Pairing(s)/character(s): Severus/Sirius, mentions of other pairings.
Rating: PG-13
Prompt# 204
Word count: 1.5 K
Summary: Snape, do you remember the four of us?
Warnings: Highlight to read*angst *
Disclaimer: All rights to HP universe belong to JKR. We make no money from fanfiction.
A/N: The language of the original is Russian. This story was written for Fandom Combat 2013 and was translated for Sirius Black Fest. The original of the story can be found here:

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Current Mood: okay
Sirius Black Fest 2013: Fic: Stargate

Title: Stargate
Author: Currently behind The Veil
Pairing(s)/Character(s): Sirius/Stargate cast
Rating: PG-13
Prompt #: 36 Sirius fell into the Veil and out of a Stargate. It's up to you which 'Gate (i.e. either of Earth's, Atlantis, Destiny, Chulak, Tok'ra homeworld, Athos, or some other planet/galaxy) he comes out of, and who, if any, are on the other side.
Word count: 3,400K
Warnings: Highlight to read. *slash content*
A/N: This is totally silly, and we’re going to pretend that the fight in the department of mysteries coincided with the second year the Stargate and SG-1 were in operations.

Stargate )

Current Mood: okay
Friday Rec(s)

For this week's Friday Rec, I have for you one fic and a couple of artworks.

Title: Anatomy of a Prank
Author: xylodemon
Characters/Pairings: Marauders, Severus Snape (gen)
Rating: Teen/PG-13
Word count: 28k + a few in facsimile images of notes and letters
Author's summary: Step by step instructions for those wishing to emulate the incomparable Messrs Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs. Read more... )

Black Brothers
by ~DesmyBlack on deviantART

Shoulder to Shoulder
by =Gold-Seven on deviantART

Current Mood: drunk
Friday Rec!

Hello, [info]figliaperduta here with another Friday Rec! We're delving back into fic this week, and I have for you our first Remus/Sirius rec. There are a lot of really popular offerings for this pairing which you lot have probably already heard of, so I've attempted to find something less well-known. On with the rec!

Title: Song of Songs (on AO3)
Author: mad_martha
Pairings/Characters: Sirius/Remus, with appearances by Harry, various Blacks, various Lupins, and a few OCs.
Rating: T (PG-13)
Author's Summary: Sirius Black returns to a world that has moved on without him … but fortunately Remus Lupin is still there for him.
Word Count: 103,178

fig's Comments This Way... )

Current Mood: hot
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