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Below are the most recent 5 friends' journal entries.

    Monday, May 6th, 2024
    [info]missionatlantis character snapshot
    Because Maxi is awesome, she made everyone gifts for [info]missionatlantis’ one year anniversary. I had to show mine off. :)

    in here )
    Sunday, May 5th, 2024
    Simone Ashley - Batch 2 (318 of 718)

    Simone Ashley

    She's so freaking pretty.
    Caps by simone-ashley.com

    318 of 718 )
    Simone Ashley - Batch 1 (400 of 718)

    Simone Ashley

    She's so freaking pretty.
    Caps by simone-ashley.com

    400 of 718 )
    Friday, May 3rd, 2024
    Sofia Pernas - 189 | Tracker

    Sofia Pernas

    She has the best expressions ever! Seriously! Adore her.
    Caps by @eggplants

    189 )
    Wednesday, May 1st, 2024
    My headaches aren't stopping. I spoke with my psych nurse yesterday, and we're going to try weaning off a couple meds to see if they're affecting my head. I'm starting with the Concerta first, since that seems the less drastic of the two, and the last time I tried to wean off Wellbutrin, my brain was definitely not kind. But it's been months of these non-stop headaches- migraine meds aren't working, nsaids can help lessen them, but they never really go away.

    I dropped Dunwich last night. I'm a little bummed, as I genuinely loved my characters and my lines, but when a hobby starts feeling like more stress than fun, it's time to step back.

    I've updated my cast list; I'm still trying to get things started at [info]easthaven but it's been quiet enough that I'm not sure if it'll go far. It's got more of a gpsl vibe, which is fine, but I haven't heard from several in a few days- I may give it a few weeks and see if anybody wants to post and go from there? And I've added Irene from The Invisible Library at [info]thegenesis which I've only been at for a few days but I'm liking it so far! And then keeping a few psls with former Dunwich characters- I wrote Alison before Dunwich, so she and Ben will absolutely still get some things and I've got a few other lines I really enjoyed and am looking forward to exploring more.

    But if any of y'all want mine for anything- let me know? I'm absolutely down for helping to create plot or shenanigans or things for people to get up to.

    I still really would like a nap.
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