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July 29th, 2010

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So much cleaner than home in some ways, and yet just as filthy in others.

At least it should be a few days before I get bored.

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Eric, you do realize I got a life I need to get back to at home, don't you? I can't be working for you here at Fangtasia forever.

Don't you fucking bite me.

July 28th, 2010

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I was offered a job as a cleaning lady. There was this odd moment where I was both insulted and excited.

Of course, I turned it down. Because as nice as the offer of free Lysol honestly was, I do have my pride. And I can get my own Ajax. With the money I'll be getting at my new job. Where I have a completely doesn't buy into stereotypes boss. She's a real classy lady. I like her and I think I'll like working with her. It's no Daily Planet but at least it pays.

July 26th, 2010

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Well, I know one thing for sure. Comics sure seem to get things wrong. I mean, alright, they get some stuff right, too, but there's no fucking way that what it says about an "upcoming issue" of "Hellblazer" is true. John would never ask me to marry him. That is absolute bullshit right there.

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Lois, you're on with Arlene tomorrow night. And ya'll are welcome to come down to Bon Temps for a few drinks if Fangtasia's getting a little old? No offence Eric.

July 25th, 2010

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So apparently, the guy I look like is playing Hal Jordan. The guy who ends up in a semi-secret league of protectors, spends some time being one of the best, and then turns on them and kills pretty much all of them. I'm not laughing, universe. I'm not laughing at all.

July 24th, 2010

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I got a sort of temporary job.

I guess having the face of a celebrity has it's perks after all.

July 23rd, 2010

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Edit: Louisiana? Who the fuck gets shoved off to Louisiana?

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Alright. Update:

There is no new news on what happened to get here. But we've had people disappearing on us. I hope it's just them getting sent home, but I can't know that for sure. It's freaky and worrisome. I'm hoping that the disappearances are them getting back home or something though. And there doesn't seem to be a spike in the disappearances of locals or anything. So either that's a good sign, or we're being targeted.

July 18th, 2010

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Okay, let's just get some things straight here.

1. If my head is on fire, do not grab it dumbass! Of course you got third degree burns on your palms, what the fuck did you think was going to happen?
2. Not a demon. Even if I was King of Hell for awhile there. Waving a cross in my face is only going to make me laugh.
3. When I saw you, with my own eyes, beat the shit out of a grandma for her purse and pearls, you don't have enough faith to throw behind that cross to ward anything off anyway.
4. Shooting me in the head is only going to make me want to hurt you even more.

Hey, people from here! Your natives are actually more retarded than mine, and that's saying something. I don't know how you put up with them.

July 15th, 2010

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Does anyone want to tell me what happened to Metropolis?

July 13th, 2010

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You know, this place isn't as future-like as I expected it to be. Mostly it's just that the clothes and music have changed some. I mean, it's different cause there's no Supers here (and apparently the NSA isn't like the NSA back home, one guy I talked to about the NSA. I looked into it because of the lack of Supers) but there's vampires instead. And there's a lot of little differences between here and home. And actually, I think that a lot of our technology back home was better than here, even if it was 1974.

July 12th, 2010

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So what would happen if I did kill a vamp?

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TruBlood is officially the best thing ever. I'm told you can find good combinations if you mix the types and I don't have to hurt anyone.

I love this place!

July 11th, 2010

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So are we sure this isn't something I can't blame on my brother? Because really, I'm okay with blaming things on him.

Anyway. Uh. Hi. I'm Violet.

Edit: Also? It's weird that the internet is all open for the general public like this. Back when I'm from it was just for government and NSA use. Which is still government. Sort of. But also not really.

July 10th, 2010

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Has anyone seen Dean lately?

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Hey, Danny? You're kinda sorta on YouTube now. And it's like... stuff from here.

July 6th, 2010

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Chris is never going to let me hear the end of this if I don' How in the world did I manage to project myself into an old television serie I don't even li Why couldn't it have been the Facts of Life or something? Mom's so going to kill me for having the BooHello. My name is Wyatt Halliwell. And I'm pretty sure I'm not supposed to be here. But, uh, I for onc can't find a way to get back. If anyone would happen to have any suggestions, I'd be more than happy to try them. No. Really. Short of turning evil ... again, I'd do anything to avoid Mom's

July 5th, 2010

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If anybody happens to see Rhett Butler wandering around in Shreveport, send him to Merlotte's please? I'd be real grateful.

Not that my luck is that good, but you never know.

July 3rd, 2010

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So half the kids in my class think they're training to become Vampire Slayers while the other half like to tell me how it's wrong to kill vampires, but they want to learn to fight from me all the same. One guy actually showed up with a stake, and then a girl said he couldn't be a slayer, because he's a guy. I think a fight almost broke out. I don't know if I should laugh or cry.
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