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Shounen Onmyouji

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[Fic] Machinations (Guren/Masahiro) [Oct. 6th, 2008|02:30 pm]

Branch presents:


Genre: Porn with Fluff
Rating: R for sex
Pairing/Characters: Guren/Masahiro
Word Count: 755

Summary: Mokkun gets in a snit, and Masahiro takes advantage of this. Written for the Porn Battle prompt: Guren/Masahiro, not a pet.

Masahiro laughed. "You’re not a pet. You just spend a lot of time as Mokkun." His eyes danced as he leaned against Guren. "You’re harder to kiss, that way."
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Maintainership [Sep. 3rd, 2008|10:46 am]

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[Current Mood | busy]

Hey guys,

I'm going to stop using this account and gave over maintainership of this community to my new one. Which is named [info]phaeton.

I just wanted to let you know that I'm not gone - only moved to another account.
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Origins of the shikigami [Sep. 2nd, 2008|06:00 pm]

I've been hunting for the antecedents of the twelve shikigami and, with the understanding that IANAScholar of Chinese Myth and Astrology, my results are here. With footnotes. Additional contributions of confirmed sources or high-res shots of divination boards are welcome. *wry grin*
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Community Mood Theme [Aug. 29th, 2008|10:32 pm]

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[Current Mood | pleased]

The community has now a SO mood theme. It was created by wonderland @ LJ and it's totally cute.
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Origins of twelve shikigami [Aug. 14th, 2008|01:24 pm]

This is some preliminary research on where the twelve shikigami characters came from. I figured it might be helpful for other ficcers.

The twelve heavenly generals, once the zodiac got through with them.
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Some Thoughts on Guren/Touda [Aug. 4th, 2008|09:42 pm]

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[Current Mood | curious]

cross-posted to my fandom journal

I finished watching Shounen Onmyouji and I'm even more intrigued now than I was before. I just have to get my hands on the light novels!

As I said a few postings before, the differences and similarities to Yami no Matsuei in how the ShinShou are portrayed are very interesting. Especially considering Guren/Touda.

Spoilers under the cut )

Similarities which are too obvious to be missed, right? In fact, concerning Guren/Touda there are far more similarities than differences. And it makes me wonder more than ever how much of this is indeed part of the Japanese mythology and what is the imagination of the author/mangaka.
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Icon Post [Aug. 4th, 2008|01:21 pm]

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[Current Mood | productive]

cross-posted to my fandom journal

Since I just can't talk about a new fandom love without supplying some icons...

here they are! )
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Welcome! [Aug. 2nd, 2008|10:23 pm]

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[Current Mood | hopeful]

Well...I couldn't find a Shounen Onmyouji community on IJ, so I just created one myself. I don't know if this will really kick off, but at least we have a home now here, too. So, if you're a fan of Shounen Onmyouji, you're more than welcome to join!

This community is open to everything. Art, fanfiction, media, general discussion and of course any questions as long as it concerns Shounen Onmyouji, both the light novel and the anime series.
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