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[09 Apr 2011|12:32am]
how cruel people can be, without even trying to understand.
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[26 Dec 2010|06:36pm]

My parents. They can't hear, they can't see, everything has to be repeated. They make very strange and even gross noises randomly, everything is the end of the world, my mother literally thinks the dog is conspiring against her.
All she does is scream and yell at the dog for..having to go out to pee. She doesn't allow the animals to be animals, they have to follow her every command and anything animal like is an attack against her.
My father is the most annoying human being i will ever know.
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[26 Dec 2009|10:05pm]

insanejournal not being so active anymore :'(
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[16 Dec 2009|03:11pm]

Guy friends who treat you like you don't exist when they've got girlfriends, but all of a sudden labels you as the shoulder to cry on and wants to be around you all the time when their relationships fall apart. My friendship is not to be toyed with, my 'friend'.
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[30 Sep 2009|04:53am]

Watching movies with people who force you to pretty much narrate the entire thing, play-by-play, because they either are too lazy or too stupid to figure out what's going on for themselves.
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[28 Sep 2009|10:50am]

Ex-boyfriends who won't leave you the hell alone!
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[26 Aug 2009|11:08pm]
i must be the most invisible driver on the freeway.
that or people need to pay some more damn attention.
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[14 Aug 2009|03:00pm]
i've decided that catherine hardwicke has the look of a total bitchface. i do not appreciate the bitchfaceness on my television, catherine hardwicke.
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[11 Aug 2009|08:20pm]

[ mood | angry ]

my father lying.

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[11 Aug 2009|01:22pm]

I used to know this kid named Manny and now he has completely disappeared from all existence it seems.
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[10 Aug 2009|03:29pm]
i can't change my icon journal into a community through the old creation mode, because it has entries. fff i just don't want to keep logging out and logging back in to post icons. it'd be so much easier to post in a community. fuck you, ij.
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[09 Jul 2009|02:31pm]

when diets stop working. good god.
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[20 Mar 2009|02:12am]

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[18 Mar 2009|04:50am]

Asking me to be your healer on WoW and then being an ass, letting me die, calling me a noob when I can't stop mobs from going after me, and then saying I'm paranoid. Fuck you.
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[12 Feb 2009|01:39am]

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[20 Jan 2009|08:24pm]

Mariah Carey singing "Hero" at the inaugration ( however the fuck you spell it ). WTF WAS THAT?! It sounded like one of those horrendous American Idol auditions.
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[05 Jan 2009|10:57am]

people who call me ma'am when i am (clearly) under 21.
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[30 Dec 2008|09:56pm]

People who assume you did something when they don't even know/talk to you. Then they talk shit about you on a public message board and make you look like a hypocritical liar because they won't act mature long enough to sit down and talk about it. Now I'm having to apologize to keep my best friend.
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[03 Dec 2008|04:00am]

It is 4am and I am still doing Russian homework and I have to go to work in 5 hours D:.
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[02 Dec 2008|09:11pm]

Britney Spears and her new "Circus" concept for her album. FUCKING WHORE! It's been done already and Christina Aguilera did it A THOUSAND TIMES BETTER THAN YOU. It's pathetic how low some people have to stoop just to sell themselves. They can't come up with their own original concept and identity so they have to steal someone else's. Someone with ACTUAL TALENT, as if by some sheer twist of fate, they think they will be able to top that talent. Uh, slut, lip-synching and shaking your ass around on stage isn't considered TALENT.

Go back to your padded cell!
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