Shinobis and SOLDIERs' Journal
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Monday, December 10th, 2007

    Time Event
    [Fanfiction] Correspondence Arc - Kansel's Report
    Follow up for Rumor

    Title: CArc - Kansel's Report
    Writer: Inami
    Rating: PG, because of Kansel
    Fandom/Series: Final Fantasy VII/Naruto
    Character/s: Kansel
    Warnings: KANSEL
    Spoilers: None.
    Writer's Note: Kansel won't shut up!!!! T___T
    Summary: The first thing Sephiroth does is follow the information to the source, no matter how... unreliable the source was. He had more chances of getting better information if he stalked the cadet... which he will do. Later.

    "Man, I swear, it was love at first sight."

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