Shinobis and SOLDIERs' Journal
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Sunday, December 2nd, 2007

    Time Event
    Help Thyself pt4a
    Part 4a

    “Owie!” or "This sucks."

    The first thing she felt was pain, lots of pain. It came from several parts of her body at once. She automatically began to identify what, how severe, and if she could fix it. Cracked ribs, heavy bruising on left side, deep gash on right arm (always bad when you feel the skin sliding across skin and the rolling pain telling you it is waaaaay to deep) and a multitude of more minor cuts, bumps, and bruises.

    Slowly coming to her feet, the Ninja Princess of Wutai took stock of her surroundings. Dark room, alone, no weapons, no gear, heavily injured, with no one there to see to her wounds ...

    “Damn,” she muttered. “Who caught me?”

    She had enough energy saved up for a Clear Tranquil, but even as she cast it, knew it wouldn’t fix all of her injuries--only the worst of it. Without a weapon to properly focus the Limit Break, a third of the power was lost to spill-off. On top of that, the Tranquil didn’t fix all of a person’s injuries when cast. Only about half at the most.

    “Now to get out of this Hades-cursed place.”

    Whoever had placed her here, they had not searched her as thoroughly as they should have. Her hair was still fastened up and out of the way, and that meant
    hairpins. She would wonder on her current incarnation's taste in style later.

    Slipping out of the cell without making a sound, she ghosted down the hall, ears straining for the slightest sound. Her luck held as she navigated the corridors in this strange place, and she soon found herself in an armory of sorts. A quick search of the racks produced Shuriken and Kunai, but nothing to fit her tastes.

    “Shiva take it.”(1)

    “Perhaps this will help.”

    Choking back a startled shriek, Yuffie spun around. Bringing up the throwing blades she had found the nin-girl moved to attack, only to freeze in shock,
    those same blades falling from nerveless fingers.

    “Vincent?!” she hissed in shock.

    His response was a slight twitch of his lips, and the large fuma-like shuriken offered to her with a slight bow. “Yours, I believe?”

    “Conformer!” she breathed in delight.


    “What are you doing here, Vince?”

    “I saw you find the ‘Enemy Skill’ in the canyon before you were captured. I followed them here and discovered something.”


    “There is a new Summon Materia. It is in the possession of Sound’s Leader. I will distract the ninja of this Village, and you must retrieve both it and the ‘Enemy Skill’ on your way out.”

    “A Summon?” Yuffie looked at him, wide eyed. “Not good. So very not good. Where is it?”

    “Go left when you leave this room. Take the first right, then two lefts. They will be in the last room on the left.”

    "Left, right, left, left, last room on the left, got it.” She grinned at him. “Stay safe, Vinnie. We’d miss ya if you vanished.”

    And with that she snatched up Conformer, and vanished down the hall.

    (1) confusion on this was brought to my attention. It’s like saying “damn it to hell” or something to that effect. Many of the FF7 ppl will be using cursing along these lines.

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