Shinobis and SOLDIERs' Journal
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Wednesday, October 24th, 2007

    Time Event
    Help Thyself pt3
    not beta'd yet!

    Title: Help Thyself (thanks skeren)
    Author: Youko Rayah
    Fandom(s): FF7, Naruto
    Type: Crossover
    Warnings: Violence, Language, WTF moments, Yaoi in later parts.
    Summery: FF7 characters reincarnate in Naruto's world. Be afraid.
    Author’s notes: so far it’s just going to be told in bits and peaces of who is who as they wake up.
    Disclaimer: Only the idea is mine. Nothing else.

    Drabble the third:
    “With the Clouds.” or “Shut up and drink your damn tea!”

    He had been awake for a long time. Awake and waiting. It had been so long, in fact, thant he had forgotten just when he had become aware. Maybe he had always been awake…

    $#&%! Now he was getting all philosophical about it, something he blamed on not being able to fly anymore. He missed being among the clouds more than almost anything else.

    In all honesty, it wouldn’t be so bad if the others would just hurry and wake up already! Damn it, he was BORD! And the squabbling might have seemed to annoy him, but watching Yuffie go at it with Vinny and Cloud, always made him smile.

    It was frustrating! Not to mention intolerable. But more than anything it was, “Troublesome.” And so were his teammates. No, that wasn’t right. Choji(sp?) wasn’t bad. It was Ino that made him wish he could call the Venus Gospel and stab her with it. She was far worse that Shera, Yuffie, and Tifa at her absolute worst, put together. She was going to drive him to drink if things kept up like they had been.

    Days like this… He really, really, missed Vincent.

    When his name was called for the prelims, he sighed, but didn’t complain. When the girl tried to use a sound based trick on him, he got annoyed. Really, just how stupid did she think he was? Yet again, he wished for his final weapon, so he could fry her with a level two limit-brake. It would serve her right.

    Instead, he settled for using his shadow to take her down. There was just something so satisfying about making your opponent split their own head open because they failed to take in their surroundings. Armatures.

    Afterwards, he watched Hinata fight Neji. And THAT had been pure Tifa. “Thank you Shiva!” he whispered under his breath, earning odd looks from those around him. And the Uchiah’s fight had looked an awful lot like the time he had watched Cloud fight without a sword. But not… Aw well, he’d figure it out.

    “Bout damn time you woke up. Was goin’ nuts from the boredom.”

    Hinata looked at him in confusion. “Who?”

    His response was cut off by the arriver of members of the ANBU. “Lord Hokage wishes to speak with you, Huuga-san.”

    “Than let’s go,” Sasuke replied.

    “Only the Huuga was requested.”

    “The Huuga has a name,” Hinata growled, more of Tifa merging into the whole.

    “And given what’s happened,” Shikamaru added in a growl, “it probably concerns us as well. We may as well get this over with.”

    Eventually, they were escorted into a secure room to await the Hokage. Rather than take one of the chairs, Shikamaru walked across the room and sat against the wall. “Might as well get comfortable. Hokage-sama won’t be here ‘til after the last match.”

    “True,” Sasuke said taking a seat not far from him.

    “So,” Tifa murmured as she, too, sat. “Who are you?”

    “Cid, who else.”

    “…” Hinata stared at him trying to put the image of Cid Highwind and Sikamaru Nara together. “I think that just broke my brain.”

    “And who are you, pretty-boy? You’re not Cloud, that’s for sure. The fighting style is similar, but not quite right for him.”

    “First Lieutenant Zachary Fair, Solder First Class. General Sephiroth’s 2IC.”

    “… you were Cloud’s friend that got him to Midgard,” Tifa whispered. “The one who died.”

    “Yeah. Thanks for looking out for him, by the way. Wish I could have done more.”

    plot bunny. I blame Icedark-elf for bringing it back to life after I killed it the first five times.

    ff7 reincarnated in Naruto

    (check!) Sasuke-Zack. Awakened by the curse Seal, CS burned away Sasuke's personality. Zack in control. Be afraid.

    (check!) Hinata(sp)-Tifa. Awakens just b4 the fight w/ Neji in the pre-limns. Stomps him like nobodies business. The thought makes me giggle.

    (check)Sikamaru(sp)-Cid. The thought of him going from "Troublesom" to "Shut up and drink your @*$^ tea!" made me snort my milk out my nose.

    Current Mood: bouncy
    Current Music: Wanderlust by Heather Alexander

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