St. Joan's School for Girls' Journal [entries|friends|calendar]
St. Joan's School for Girls

St. Joan’s School for Girls
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St. Joan’s is an all girl High School and residence. They take all kinds from the bright to the trouble makers, the rich to the poor, and the popular to the unpopular. The professors also work closely with the girls to help them succeed. Despite that, school work seems to be the last thing on anyone’s mind.

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[21 Jun 2014|09:28pm]

Who: Kirsten Harcourt & Allison Cameron
What: Down time after a long week.
When: Friday night
Where: Their apartment.
Rating/Warnings: Adult, may not be for sexual content.
Status: In progress

Soon )

[14 Jun 2014|03:17pm]

WHO: Persephone Lawson/Lauren Conners
WHAT: The reason she transferred schools.
WHERE: School corridor - possibly elsewhere
RATING: Adult.

Serendipity: )

[09 Jun 2014|06:46pm]

WHO: Tempest Alexandre and OPEN
WHAT: Lunch outside, flirting, and maybe more
WHERE: Courtyard
WHEN: After classes.

While the weather was nice, Tempest decided that she wanted to enjoy it.  )

[09 Jun 2014|11:10pm]

WHO: Eden Clark and Persephone Lawson
WHAT: Detention and reminiscing. And sex.
WHERE: Detention.
WHEN: After classes.
RATING: Adult.

Remember the first time you touched my cock? )

[09 Jun 2014|10:35pm]

WHO: Charlotte Isley and Persephone Lawson
WHAT: Paternal revelations
WHERE: Charlotte's office
WHEN: Late afternoon

She's your mother? )

[07 Jun 2014|05:11am]

WHO: Persephone/Jacy.
WHAT: Jacy gets annoyed on behalf of an acquaintance.
RATING: Sephy is involved, so...

Getting taken aside and hauled under the bleachers wasn't something Persephone had planned for, to say the least. A surprised yelp of, "Hey!" Then she was grabbed by the upper arm and pulled over.

Oh, she had noticed the girl storming over in her direction, but treatment like this simply wasn't something she could have predicted.

"Watch the arm!" Protested the blonde, giving a squirming yank out of the hand-hold clamped upon her. Succeeding, but it took some effort. Jacy... Something. Had seen her around. Eyes narrowing in annoyance as she straightened spine. "Do that again and I'll make sure you regret it."

[06 Jun 2014|09:59pm]

Who: Izzy Watterson and Carly Gaither
Where: Cafeteria
Rating: Mild, possible language

The only thing Carly knew about teenagers was that she'd been one herself once.

Being more or less married to her job since she'd gotten into journalism after college, she had put marriage and children way on the backburner of her life plan. Most of her friends were married, either with babies on the way or with small children, but she'd had other goals. And now there was her book, and that was a long-term project.

But she wanted to get to know Izzy. The thing with Cameron seemed to be turning into a relationship, and Carly didn't feel right about not trying to understand her daughter. Not that she was planning to run out and look at china patterns and wedding dresses, but the girl seemed like she might need a friend.

So, here they were.

[06 Jun 2014|03:17pm]

Who: Parker Cayhall and Ashton Ryan
Where: School library
Rating: Low, but emotional discomfort dead ahead

The grounds were quiet as Parker made her way across them, the new summer heat a pleasant weight on the back of her neck and her shoulders. She hadn't had much interaction with the students at St. Joan's yet, but this being a sort of down time on campus likely contributed to that. With the resuming of a full class schedule, things should pick up.

Fancy Meeting You Here )

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