November 15th, 2009

[info]bertas in [info]severus_sighs

Realization by BertaS

Title: Realization
Author: BertaS
Pairing: None
Rating: G
Word Count 1264

Summary: Severus realizes something that he and others should have seen a long time ago. End of 5th year.
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: We frequently see only what we want to see. Unfortunately no matter how I want to see it, I still don’t own them.
A/N: Just a little fic I promised ya'll could have. Perhaps I'll call it an Un-Birthday Fic.

Realization )

[info]webmistresses in [info]severus_sighs

Announcing SeverusSighs Author Interviews for 2009

Have you ever read a story so wonderful you wished you could follow the author home and pester them with questions about the smallest details of their work?

Perhaps you wished to ask RaeWhit what influenced 'Down the Rabbit Hole,' or Gildedheart what influences her version of Severus, or what DementorDelta was thinking when she wrote 'Parseltongue-Tied.' Or perhaps a general question for every author, such as, 'my God, where did that genius idea come from and should I be afraid of you?'

The Webmistresses of SeverusSighs have read through some of the greatest Severus-centric works on offer and dragged their authors—kicking, screaming and quite a few from a nice meal—to the Lounge. We then broke out our big, happy heat lamp, tied them to a chair—to keep them from falling off, of course—and proceeded to ask questions about our favorite stories.

We've five authors and two artists: [info]joanwilder[RaeWhit], [info]accioslash, [info]jadzialove, [info]gingertart, [info]gildedheart, [info]dementordelta and our own [info]whitecotton. Over the coming week we will be proud to bring you their interviews, posted to the group and our Insane Journal account, where follow-up questions for the authors are welcome.

End note: please do not feed the authors and artists while you are in the Lounge. And if they start to cry and beg to be released, just tell them to have another drink. We left them enough for the week so they shouldn't be complaining.

The Webmistresses of SeverusSighs

November 2017



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