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Nicole Dovinos was here. [28 Jul 2012|01:46pm]

Summer is too short. This is going to be my senior year. Next June won't mark the beginning of fun and relaxation, it'll mark the packing up of my crap to head to college. Wow. I haven't even decided where I'm going yet. I just know that if I don't my dad will never shut up. I'll probably go to UofC like my brothers. This summer was good, though. I got to travel a little, go camping, find a boyfriend, break up with said boyfriend, learn to make egg rolls. Maybe to you it was a bore but it beats math, any day.

How was your summer? Did anything happen that was monumental? Will it be a time you'll never forget? And Is that good or bad?

ooc )

[22 Jul 2012|01:27pm]

Who: Vini and Phoenix
Where: A park in Chicago
Rating: TBD
Open/Closed: Closed, In Progress

Date night. This was on Wednesday, I just don't know how to be on time. )

[16 Jun 2012|03:51am]

DG: MAVI Announces Double EP Project!

[12 Jun 2012|05:19pm]

[ mood | giggly ]

[info]piperj, you better respond this post - or else! ;)

[12 Jun 2012|05:14pm]

[ mood | silly ]

What is the younger cuteness that is you? LOL!

Here's me when I was like... six or seven.

Show off a photo of you younger. Let's see what we all looked like little. :)

[08 Jun 2012|11:25am]

PBS Remixed Mr Rogers...

Garden of Your Mind )

What do you think?

[05 Jun 2012|12:24am]

[ mood | amused ]

Is it just me or does ‘Dean’ kind of look like ‘Gru’ from Despicable Me?

[04 Jun 2012|12:15am]

[ mood | giddy ]

Seems more MAVI music is a go and will be released hopefully this fall! Got a lot of studio time booked this month to get all the vocals down.

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