Jul. 29th, 2008


Icontest dump!

Images are from various sources, and were made for (though not all entered) [info]dwicontest, [info]disney_icontest, and [info]icon_awards. For some of these, I am not sure what I was thinking! (Number 18 anyone?)
At [info]dwicontest, numbers 3 and 15 won first place, number 11 won second place. Number 22 won third place at [info]disney_icontest, and number 25 won first place at [info]icon_awards.
Credit is optional but appreciated, and [info]aristoboule or [info]aristocons if you like. Joining the icontests is even better!
Comments are love!
All may be used as bases or modified.
Hotlinking is a bad, bad thing.


25 icontest icons )

Jul. 25th, 2008


Eureka, Doctor Who, Cars

[1-37] Eureka
[38-40] Doctor Who [for [info]dwicontest]
[41-43] Cars [for [info]disney_icontest]

Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket

America's favorite little town )