Scotchsour's Place for Layouts, Codes, Icons, Mood Themes...
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4th-Dec-2008 07:14 pm (UTC)
Thanks for voting but if I was given the proper amount of time compared to the others people as I only had three days, if you count Saturday I could of done better. I find it funny that the next week all the people got two weeks when I didn't get any extension.

Mini rant over. :)

Whimsy, hmm I didn't think of that! I do really like the tomato theme and trying my best to improve it for public use because I want to move on to the Poison Ivy layout. I love all the little tomatoes I made in photoshop. :)

Ah, I see. 3:10 to Yuma, I haven't watched it yet. I heard it was good though.
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