Schloss Eberbach

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Schloss Eberbach


April 25th, 2008

Eroica fans rejoice! Klaus is in a gay song!

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By: meicdon13

Posted: April 25, 2008

Notes: My iPod has 805 songs in it. Sometimes, it takes a few months before I get to hear a song again since I always put it on 'shuffle' when I use it.

Today, a song played while I was commuting to school. The title is Neulich Nacht and it's by the German band Terrorgruppe from the Keiner Hilft Euch album. Basically, it's about a guy who dreamt he was gay, freaked out slightly, then decided he wanted to try becoming gay just to see what it was like.

The thing that really gets me is the fact that at the end of the song, he mentions a guy named Klaus. Along with six other men.

Lyrics under the cut. )

DL links: MegaUpload, Sendspace, Mediafire

April 23rd, 2008

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By: caress_the_gun

Posted: April 23, 2008

Notes: My long-promised fanmix!

Pairing: Dorian/Klaus.
Warnings: Camp.
Notes: The UST is relieved at last! I'm sure Dorian finds it a great relief. 20 songs; artists include Fiona Apple, I Am Kloot, Maroon 5, Gorillaz, Matchbox Twenty, Garbage, Hot Hot Heat, and Poe. ALL SONGS IN .MP3 FORMAT. Thanks to ainaweth, danakszoul, and everyone else who helped out at [info]schlosseberbach!

Give me room to lay the law . . .

March 8th, 2008

Dorian/Klaus fanmix, at long last

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By: enigel

Posted: March 8, 2008

Guns and Roses - Soundtrack for a Chase

(Yes, I groan at myself, but I couldn't resist the call of the obvious...)

This fanmix has been eating my brains, energy and what passes for my life for the past month(s). I've researched, obtained and listened to enormous amounts of music in search of the Perfect Tracks. Since perfection is not of this world, the quest is always open, but I'm pretty pleased with this one (pleased enough to grin at myself the mirror). A great tank you :D thank you goes out to partner in crime [info]direaliete, who provided a couple of the key tracks.

Crossposted at fanmix, with the exception of the ficlets. Oh, yeah, there are some ficlets further down.

Guns and Roses teaser

Soundtrack for a chase - bigger images lurk here )

The snippets of fic
(They are not songfics, by the way, just inspired by some of the songs.) Any historical inaccuracies are my gaps of canon knowledge Dorian's version of the truth. ;)

I Hate Everyone )

Jealous Of Your Cigarette )

Side-story 1 - An Extra Serving of Angst (and crack too, because it wouldn't be Eroica without it...)

Never Be Free )

44. Caliber Love Letter )

April 29th, 2007

Eroica Playlist II

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By: Anneko a.k.a. danakszoul

Posted: April 29, 2007

Notes: Well, like I said, way too much to fit into a single playlist, so here's part two of the playlist breakdown, the Dorian/Klaus relationship list.

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April 28th, 2007

Eroica Playlist I

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By: Anneko a.k.a. danakszoul

Posted: April 28, 2007

Notes: I have no tech ability and can't actually upload any of my music anywhere/am always online on a borrowed computer, so this isn't xposted to the Fan Soundtrack project, but I am totally obsessed with playlists, so below the cut is my first Eroica playlist (yes, there are more than one-- that's how many songs I have)

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