Schloss Eberbach

January 19th, 2008

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Schloss Eberbach


January 19th, 2008

Eroica fanmix has INFESTED MY BRAIN. 8U

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By: caress_the_gut

Posted: January 19, 2008

Notes: I was listening to 'Terrible Thought' (Poe), one of my favourite songs, the other day when I was struck by the mildly horrifying realization that it reminds me of FEWL. I have rather an addiction to making fanmixes and have been trying to dredge up more Eroica songs to feed the flames, but I can't seem to find any good ones.

Any thoughts? Any songs that strike you as particularly Eroica-esque (or Majorian, or Alphabet-tacular, or--well, you get the idea)? Please let me know. And in the event that I do end up making a fanmix and using some of your suggestions, I will credit (and provide links, of course). <3

So very glad this community is here. Revel in Gloria!

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