Nov. 21st, 2015


WHO: Daisy Bones Radford & Edward Rosier
WHEN: 31 July, 2015
WHERE: Heaven Scent, the Seedy Club, Eddie's Flat

( dancing would be just the thing )

Nov. 5th, 2015


WHO: Daisy Bones Radford & Edward Rosier
WHEN: 25 July, 2015
WHERE: Heaven Scent/Daisy's flat, The Leaky

(he only reads instructions if they're in motorcycle manuals)


WHO: Daisy Bones Radford & Edward Rosier
WHEN: 5 July, 2015
WHERE: Heaven Scent, The Ministry, Eddie's flat

(he knew a little something about cleaning up well)


WHO: Daisy Bones Radford & Edward Rosier
WHEN: 3 July, 2015
WHERE: Heaven Scent, London branch

(a rebel without a cause meets sandra dee)