Daily Scans Below are the 1 most recent journal entries recorded in the "Daily Scans" journal:
October 13th, 2009
11:45 pm


So, are you a Whizz Kid, or a Chip-ite
"Whizzer and Chips" which first appeared in 1969 (coincidentally almost exactly 40 years ago, it had a cover date of 18th October) and kept running until 1990 (When it merged with another comics called "Buster"). It had a fun little gimmick in that it pretended to be two comics in one "The Whizzer" and "Chips", and readers could decide which they wanted to be, a "Whizz Kid" or a "Chip-ite" (Which is NOT a subset of the Mennonites) and sometimes characters from one set of stories would sneak into the other comic for a "raid".

Leader of the Whizz Kids, was Sid, with his snake Slippy, leader of the Chip-ites was the accident prone "Shiner".

Like the other weekly comics in this series, there were multiple stories per issue, with most of them being the slapstick humour variety. The rule for comics like this was take an idea, no matter how insane, and run with it as long as possible. The short length meant that a single punchline joke could be explored to the maximum...


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