Daily Scans Below are the 5 most recent journal entries recorded in the "Daily Scans" journal:
November 14th, 2009
12:27 pm


Monster: "You can see it..."
Since it seems like a few people are making "last" posts to commemorate the move, I figured I might as well join in. And since it's my last post at InsaneJournal, why not take the material from the final volume of Monster?

Of course, in a series as full of twists and turns as this one is, you could argue that most scans would be a)inexplicable to people who haven't been following along and are not in possession of some sort of flowchart and/or b) massive spoilers for the entire series. But I don't think this scene is either.

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September 14th, 2009
11:43 am


Herr Doktor Tenma (Part 3 of 3): The Execution and a Dark Resurrection
And now, we come to our conclusion, nine years after the events in Eisler Memorial Hospital. Part 1 and Part 2 for those who missed them.

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September 13th, 2009
10:07 am


Herr Doktor Tenma (Part 2 of 3): The Fallout
And now for part two in our three part series on how being the nicest guy in the world can sometimes just backfire, through no fault of your own. Part 1, for those late to the party.

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September 12th, 2009
03:09 pm


Herr Doktor Tenma (Part 1 of 3): Best Intentions
Hey, I figured that since it's horror week, a bit more of Naoki Urasawa's Monster is appropriate.

Up until now, I don't think I've actually gotten into what the series is about. I've showcased a couple of characters, and I think that the themes behind the series has also been gleaned, but nothing much in terms of the overarching plot. To rectify this, how about a summary of volume 1? Let's go back in time to 1986 and witness the horrifying events at the Eisler Memorial Hospital in Dusseldorf.

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June 14th, 2009
03:24 pm


A perfect moment: Inspector Runge
Okay, so you have an wrongfully accused man chasing a guilty one. You need a cop to chase the innocent one, too, right? Monster provides us with a rather creepy one named Runge (Lunge in some translations and the anime).

Runge has two defining characteristics. The first, is that he has an odd mnemonic device to store information. Basically, he types the information on the air, and it's stored in the computer in his head. Then simply make the appropriate gestures, and the information is retrieved. This is both very creepy and oddly cool, and the almost robotic nature of those gestures highlights his second defining characteristic: he is one of the most single-minded people in all of fiction. This is the trait we'll be examining in our perfect moment.

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