Posts Tagged: '%21plot'

Dec. 2nd, 2016



Narnia Briefing!

So, as you may have seen last night, there is a meeting this morning for all agents. During this meeting, agents are told that the group calling themselves Creators of Safety or COS have been tracked to the world of Narnia where they are believed to be after Father Christmas and potentially the gifts that he gave to the children. The agents as a whole are given very basic information before being split into teams for more detailed briefing.

here's how that went )

If you have someone involved in this plot, we really recommend reading through the mission page and hitting us with any questions, as it has a lot of info on what is happening when! We do also still have a few spots open on combat and intel/hacking teams, so please let us know ASAP if you don't already have someone on those teams and want to volunteer someone to join them.

Nov. 19th, 2016




Sorry these are late, guys! Work has been crazy this week. Here are the pairs for the "stuck" plot which started whenever they woke up yesterday (Friday) and end 48 hours later (aka Sunday morning):

Rebekah Mikaelson & Jacen Solo

Dyson Thornwood & Davina Claire

Teddy Lupin & Zane Donovan

Octavia Blake & Captain Becker

Elizabeth Weir & Adrian Ivashkov

Damon Salvatore & Amy Pond

Phryne Fisher & Levi Ackerman

Nov. 16th, 2016



[No Subject]

I completely forgot to do the InstaDate pairs yesterday, guys. Sorry! Here they are:
Abe Mazur & Lissa Dragomir
Malcolm Stebbins & Tenel Ka Djo
Bucky Barnes & Phryne Fisher
Tony Stark & Delilah Moon
Marcus Flint & Katie Bell
Mordecai Roberts & Rose Tyler
Jace Wayland & Asuna Yuuki
Luke Skywalker & Sydney Ivashkov
Feel free to use this post to talk about how it went! :)

Nov. 12th, 2016



[No Subject]

Hi guys,

Ward was also hearing thoughts yesterday but I was frantically app writing as I'm going to be in London tomorrow and Sunday and wanted them in. Anyone want him to have picked up on anything interesting?



Oct. 30th, 2016



Save Atlantis OOC

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