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Posts Tagged: 'sara+ryder'

Feb. 7th, 2019



february 7 | evie frye

OOC: Trouble evening post! | The bear & cow she's referring to.


I was out at the shops and within minutes of my seeing my seeing them both the bear and the cow mascots from two shops came to life and they are violent. They are quite large.



[No Subject]

Can someone please tell me who is I need to know who is investigating the strange goings-on. I believe myself or Sara to be affected. This morning, Sara and I noticed that whatever I was telling - small, large, serious or joking - she would do. Sara has many beautiful and alluring qualities, but her obedience is thankfully not one of them. We are not certain if it is a problem with me or with her. A volunteer could likely solve this issue.

I'm skipping training until this is resolved; it's difficult enough to write without an implied command. I doubt I would be so cautious in-person.

[ ooc - Reyes's Trouble is that whatever he says to do, whoever he is speaking to is powerless to resist doing it. ]

Feb. 6th, 2019



February 6 | Evie Frye

All day I heard no mention of other people's stuffed animals coming to life. Though one did not belong to me. I cannot make heads or tails of this so here I am, asking if anyone has heard something.

It is quite sad having to shoot such adorable creatures, I would rather it not happen again. Incidentally, if anyone is good at mending gunshot wounds in stuffed toys of various proportions I need your services.

Dear Laura, I'm afraid the giant bear I shot was yours, as I later realized it hopped out of a window in your home. I am so sorry for having shot your bear. Please know I will do my best to fix and clean it and get him back to you safely. IF the bear wasn't yours, please relay this message to its owner?

Feb. 1st, 2019



[No Subject]

Well. There's no two ways about it; I'm stuck some sort of sweet-scented bubble. It's sticky and cloying and limits my movement. I tried using my blade on it, and only succeeded in nearly ruining my blade.

Any suggestions, friends?

Jan. 9th, 2019



[No Subject]

Everybody gets to have ridiculous banana and rain powers and I just get clumsy.

I broke my foot today, and I'm on "no weight on it for a week" at the moment. I heal fast, and I can get a boost from medical if I need it. SAM gave me a three-day-estimate. If anyone needs me, I'm hanging out at Reyes place until Friday. Maybe Saturday. Probably Friday though, because he keeps roping me into stupid board games and I can't punch him from my place on the sofa.

Oh! Er- Sorry, Heart 13, Goliath is nosy af and I didn't want to leave him alone since Reyes insisted I stay. If he bugs you, let me know or just tell him to shoo. (he likes bananas, I suggest stealing some from Hawke)

Porthos, you're free to just stick with the Musketeers the rest of the week.

Jan. 3rd, 2019



[No Subject]

I can't stay awake today. If I were at home, I'd assumed I had been drugged - I can barely keep my eyes open.

Work's right out. Is it Atlantis? Is anyone else ----

[ ooc - if anyone wants to find Reyes, he's asleep against a wall of the Royal Opera House in Atlantis Village ]

Dec. 17th, 2018



December 17 | Evie Frye | Group E-mail

[Julie Power's Housemates (Heart 7), Evie Frye's Housemates (Body 10), The Pevensies, Team 6, Jacob Frye, The Ryder Twins, Violet Parr, Lorna Ramon, Thor, The Auditore Siblings, Leonardo da Vinci, Cisco Ramon, Overwatch Crew (whom Julie knows), Lara Jean Covey, Peter Parker, Reyes Vidal, Lando Calrissian]

E-mail to so many people it's under a cut )

Dec. 16th, 2018




I've been here a few days now and I guess I've put this off long enough. Hey, I'm Keith. I'm a Paladin of Voltron which... probably means less here than it does back home. It's an honor to be chosen for this mission.

Just a sorry and heads up if any of you bump into a black and blue cosmic wolf. He hasn't really lived in a town like this before and is used to having more free range. He at least knows not to teleport into buildings that aren't my room.

And I suppose this is as good a place as any to ask. Are there any mechanics or engineers here who could check something out for me? Specifically those who have some experience with robots, spaceships, and/or sentient tech.

Dec. 15th, 2018



[No Subject]

[Group Text to Sara Ryder and Reyes Vidal]
SAM gave me an update that you'd returned. Welcome back, you two. I'm over at Lightning Brew, if you're looking for me.



Log: Sara & Reyes Mistletoe

December 15

This is about… complications )

Dec. 13th, 2018



[No Subject]

Hey, we're closing in on the COS trail but they're throwing us off and I'm getting annoyed. Can you guys deploy the drones to [GPS LOCATION] and send the feed to my pony omni tool and our devices?

Alright Atlantis, you have five minutes to get me up to date on what's happening back home. Romance? New arrivals? Political intrigue? ... you can save the political intrigue.

Dec. 10th, 2018



[No Subject]

At least I was awake for my arrival in this new World. Universe. Galaxy. Dimension? Place. Except.. except Intake says that my sister is on a mission and may not be back for a while (believe me, I get it - not the first time). But Reyes is here and on that mission. Which... I have questions. And apparently Commander Shepard is in this world too... and also on that mission.

So I guess I'm on my own? Wait, no. Sorry, ignore all of that. I've got a map of the place now and somewhere to go. And loads of gossip to sift through, apparently. Wow, this is one hell of a sync up, SAM.

Oh, right. Scott Ryder. Hello, world.



[No Subject]

Oi, I knew I smelled a campfire. Followed this ridiculous nose right to it. It's dead and there's nobody here now, but there's a half burnt piece of paper that looks like a blueprint for something.

Dec. 8th, 2018



[No Subject]


Nov. 14th, 2018



[No Subject]

[OOC: Shortly after Peggy’s arrival]

FILTERED TO FRIENDS*feel free to assume
Four times. This is the fourth time she’s shown up without her memories of Atlantis or of who I am. I don’t suppose someone else wants to break the news this time?

Nov. 12th, 2018



[No Subject]

This post recognizes that a bet is a bet. Sara Ryder beat me fairly and I owe her a beer at the place and time of her choosing.



[No Subject]

So here's the deal. SAM can't be compelled, and I don't do well being stuck inside trying to avoid people. You're all pretty okay, sure, but I don't actually want to go to the dance with anyone, even if my brain is trying to convince me that I do. What SAM says goes for me until this is done.

So I'm digging my feet in on training today, and I'm looking for some extra sparring partners. Prefer people who can take a really hard hit so I don't have to hold back and I want people that are going to ignore me when I stupidly blurt out something like "go to the dance with me" like I'm back in grade school.

Nov. 10th, 2018



November 10 | Evie Frye

[Everyone Who Was at Evie's Birthday Thing]
I am deeply sorry about 90% of what occurred last night. It felt as though Jacob possessed me and not only did I drink for two, I got into trouble for two as well. Not that that is any justification for whatever occurred that I do not remember.

[Peter Pevensie]
I remember asking you to the ladies' choice ball. While drunk and possibly between verses of a 1700s sea shanty. I apologise, and would like to reiterate my invitation as a way to make it up to you. I assure you I am not normally like that. I suppose I tried to stave off the melancholia of not having my brother around for the first time on our birthday.

Nov. 9th, 2018



November 9 | Evie Frye

For not knowing how to celebrate a birthday by myself or out of my own time, I don't know whether to really celebrate at all. All the same, I shall have a toast to my dear twin brother, and I'd like it if you joined me in wishing him the best, wherever he may be.

Edit: The celebration will be at Trocution! All are welcome to have a shot to our health!

Oct. 31st, 2018



[No Subject]

It's my first Halloween, and I am very much looking forward to the festivities tonight! I understand there will be feasting and drinking and dancing, yes? And magic? I love a good party.

In keeping with the season, I'd like to hear your most-frightening, bone-rattling, and spookiest tales. I understand there to be a lot of heroes and adventurers here, yes? So you must have good scary stories! Use this missive as a space to tell them, for I would dearly love to read them. (And as a kind suggestion, please don't mistake "scary" for depressing. There is nothing worse than the buzzkill that comes with a fun story ending badly. Lie if you have to. I won't know the difference.)

Thank you, Atlantis! I will tell my own tale as well.