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Posts Tagged: 'paul+stamets'

Oct. 12th, 2019



netpost: tilly

Trek House Mates
Would folks be up for a weekly house dinner? Or is that too corny?

Michael Burnham
How do you know if you like someone? Like like them I mean?

Sep. 10th, 2019



[No Subject]

Burnham & Stamets
So, I know we don't have the spore drive here, but we have the smarts that worked on it. I'm thinking we should see if we can help Captain Sexypants Pike fix intake. I mean, it is a type of interdimensional travel right? I'm heading over there to see what I can do. But you two are smarter than me.

You're okay, right? I mean, I don't know, just the attack and I got worried and wanted to check on you.

Sep. 4th, 2019



[No Subject]

Change does not come easily to me. But what better way to lose the trepidation it causes than in a controlled, safe space?


PLOT: ♆ - ONE CHARACTER EACH decides to go for a completely different look today from their normal style.

Aug. 31st, 2019



[No Subject]

I think I just saw a physical version of a cookbook I bought when I intended to go on a diet for the first time and failed miserably. It threw a bundle of kale at me.

I'd say 'The roads to hell are paved with good intentions', but I don't think this place is hell.

[♆ - The streets of Atlantis have turned into cookbooks, yes, everywhere you walk you are walking on cookbooks, careful, some of them bite, and some of them throw raw eggs.]

Aug. 2nd, 2019



Log: Paul Stamets and Mordecai Roberts

14 March
Paul Stamets + Mordecai Roberts
PG | Some language and references to slavery | Challenge

The concept of magic being an unexplained phenomenon is one that I refuse to accept )

Jul. 31st, 2019



[No Subject]

I'm really not a hat guy. Especially not a cowboy hat guy, but apparently this place is insistent that I must wear a hat today.

I feel like it's some sort of slight on the sunburn I got last week.

Jul. 30th, 2019



July 30 | Michael Burnham


This is Michael Burnham. I am attempting communication to the citizens of this island as a means to familiarize myself with it.

I could relay titles and ranks but I don't think they mean much here. Anyway, I am- I was- a science officer and commander aboard a Starfleet vessel. Specifically, I'm trained in xenoanthropology.

Starfleet is- nevermind. I'll explain as needed. I saw Sylvia Tilly and Paul Stamets' names on the citizen list. Captain Pike, too which is... [...]

Can anyone point me to their whereabouts? Thank you.

Jun. 30th, 2019



[No Subject]

Backdated to June 10
Team 12Team 12
Closed / incomplete (started gdocs, finishing in tags)
Searching for Kittens )



30 June | Riley Davis


Now that I've been here a night and still am trapped in the crackpot land of good looking people, guess I should introduce myself.

I'm Riley. I'm working in computers or leading it or whatever.

Still not sure this is real no matter what any of you say.

My friend Bozer would love this place. Probably should have given him a coin.

Jun. 24th, 2019



netpost: tilly

Okay, first off, everyone's selfies were AMAZING. You should give yourself all a pat on the back. It's not easy to do, but all of yours were incredible.

Second, FAIRIES! My inner child is doing cartwheels of joy. (I might have done actual cartwheels when I saw fairies)

Also, have folks been to the museum today? It was like something out of a children's book - everything was alive. It was FANTASTIC!! I had the most interesting conversation with soome of the exhibits.

Jun. 9th, 2019




This is going to be interesting.


Don't freak out. I'm going on this mission with the team - I'll be back as soon as we're done and I'll be fine. Feel free to stay at my place if you'd prefer it.

May. 29th, 2019



[No Subject]

I have to admit, the recent rainfall has done wonders in increasing the growth of fungi in the area.

I've been taking a lot of samples to see how and where they differ from what exists in my world, but if anybody here does happen to have a passing interest in mycology, I'd actually be quite interested to see what kind of things grow in your world.

May. 27th, 2019



[No Subject]

I know you've all seen the sunscreen vendors around Atlantis today, they're kind of hard to miss. If you haven't read it yet, take a look at Caroline's post which has a lot of good information in it. I spent some time talking to a couple of the vendors and got a bunch of samples of different varities so come by the park, I've set up a little table there and I'm passing out sunscreen. Even some for sensitive skin. So come and get it!

May. 25th, 2019



Netpost | Jill Dragomir

I've been wondering lately if I'm in the right department.

My magic is really specialized. I'm a water user, so that's pretty much it. And it's not useless, it has some really good defensive and offensive applications, as Mia and Christian taught me, but I'm not sure how much use it is to the magic department, really, especially during situations like this month.

And magic definitely isn't all I am. I'm a princess, one of the last Dragomirs. I could fight. I could be doing diplomacy or I could go back to intake and relations, which is where I started out. So, I guess what I'm saying is that I've been thinking about a change. I really, really appreciate the chance to work with the magic teams, but I feel like maybe I could do more good elsewhere.

And maybe I could use a little advice, if anyone is willing.

Apr. 16th, 2019



[No Subject]

I'm mostly recovered from being a giant dinosaur, but more importantly, the mushrooms in the jungle are a mycologist's dream. If anybody wants to come with me I'm more than happy to help identify samples (in other words - what's edible, what isn't and what'll make you trip beyond belief).


How're you settling in, kiddo?

Apr. 10th, 2019



[No Subject]

I feel...very large.

Can somebody please open my cage? It's Paul. I have a time-sensitive experiment on the go right now and I'd really rather not start again.

Mar. 31st, 2019



[No Subject]

I think it's pretty evident that I need to be moved from Engineering to Science & research. I'm an ABBA and I need my research to be incredibly black and white, right now. I brought slimes with me to Atlantis that I'd like to plant and cultivate into fully grown babies.

[ONE CHARACTER EACH decides they want to be transferred from their current job but their reasoning is jibberish!]

Mar. 28th, 2019



[No Subject]

Just when I was starting to think Atlantis had been ignoring me lately.

But you know what, I think I'd rather wake up like this than wake up in my 70s again. As hot as I was then, really wasn't fond of all the joint aches.

Mar. 27th, 2019



netpost | marcos diaz

What was I thinkin'.

You look like I need a drink.

We went.

PLOT: ♆ - ONE CHARACTER EACH speaks in all country music song titles today.



27 March | Becker

Welcome to the Future. Smokey Mountain Rain. Old Hippie.

Beer for my horses.

Kick It in The Sticks

PLOT: ♆ - ONE CHARACTER EACH speaks in all country music song titles today.