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Posts Tagged: 'james+kirk'

Feb. 27th, 2019



netpost: christopher pike

A very happy birthday to my brilliant and gorgeous wife today. If you see Nurse Chapel around, be sure to wish her a happy birthday.

We'll be doing a small get together this weekend to celebrate Christine. Probably Sunday dinner.

Come by at 5:30 to babysit?

Jim agreed to babysit tonight. So you and I have a night to ourselves with no vomit or poop.

Feb. 26th, 2019



[No Subject]

Interesting story:

I was taking a walk, working on a project problem, when I "felt" someone behind me.

That someone was a polar bear. A polar bear that followed me down the beach and wouldn't leave me alone until I scratched behind its ears.

Atlantis is a hell of a place.



[No Subject]

I'm not complaining - please don't think I am! - but I would quite love to know when the cold weather is going to end?

I know it isn't a lot for you, being able to fly and all, but I want to go to the carnival and ride all of the highest rides we can find. I also want to eat candyfloss and act like I'm not basically grown up. This all sounds very willful and winsome, I know. But I thought you would not mind to indulge me in the behaviour.

This is your elder, mildly smothering sister checking in with all of you. I would like to make sure that you are all doing well, eating your vegetables and not nursing wounds that no one can see because you are ever so valiant about suffering in silence.

All my love.

Feb. 25th, 2019



[No Subject]

To the person who threw a handful of glitter at me this morning when I tried to stop them from climbing into somebody's window - I just sneezed glitter and I hate you right now.

[Feel free to claim this as a Tooth Fairy if you want lmfao]



February 25 | Cassandra Toof Faiwy Pentaghast

It has come to my attention that I have been sorely lacking in my duties as Tooth Fairy, and I would like to make up for this disgraceful dereliction of duty. Parents/guardians I would like for you to submit to me a list of your children's teeth loss (with attached evidence where possible) so I can proceed to restitute the financial amount correspondent to the number of lost teeth. Please do this as soon as you are able. I vow not to let this go on any longer; from now on all exchanges of teeth for a symbolic amount of money will be made within twenty four hours of the tooth's placement under the pillow.

I saw you early this morning, the sun had not yet risen, rounding the houses of my children whose responsibility to ensure their fair participation in the tooth economy and healthy lifestyle falls to ME. Stop this. I am the Tooth Fairy here and you are trespassing on my territory.

Feb. 23rd, 2019



February 23 | Clarice Fong

I don't even have a goddamn facebook account why me why this

[PLOT: ONE CHARACTER EACH wakes up in Farmville! Don't worry, it only lasts 12 hours.]

Feb. 8th, 2019



february 8 :: mikaela banes

I don't know about you guys, but I feel today is the perfect day to fly a kite.

Aug. 28th, 2018



Net Post / Wyatt Evans (Peter Quill)

For those of you who missed the world premiere of this year's field show because the first football game was out of town and also for those of you who won't see it this Friday because the second game is also out of town, I have a treat for you.

Saturday afternoon at the football field, Summit High School Band will present Disco Fever 2018. No charge unless you want to give us a donation toward the new band uniforms that we're hoping to get for next year. The show lasts approximately fifteen minutes so it won't even take up a big chunk of your day. Starts at 2PM.

If we get fifty people, I will show off some of my dance moves. That should be all the incentive you need.

Aug. 6th, 2018



Net Post/Wyatt Evans (Peter Quill)

First day of band camp is in the books and so far there are no petitions from the Band Parents Club trying to get me fired. This is progress because last year they already had one going around before it even started. I guess making the field show a tribute to heavy metal featuring Metallica, Judas Priest and AC/DC music wasn't a good idea.

Which is why this year, we're doing disco music. It's gonna be awesome.

Aug. 1st, 2018



[No Subject]

As per an anonymous request the other week, I've got in some high CBD and low THC strains and edibles, too. I'm starting to think I should get some kind of certification so I can officially make brownies, man.

Head on down if you're interested. They don't get you as high, but you get all the nice warm fuzzies - I'm not somebody who has chronic pain, but everybody I've talked to says they're brilliant for managing it.

Jun. 28th, 2018



[No Subject]

Piercings hurt more than I thought they would.

Jun. 19th, 2018



[No Subject]

So, uh. I've heard that some people here know me and that I might not actually know some of those people in return.

Captain James T. Kirk of the USS Enterprise. I'm here to help wherever I can. I'll be a Field Commander but I'm not particularly a stickler for rules.

Also, I have an engineer back home who would be really interested to know how the transporting-coin technology works.

May. 1st, 2018



[No Subject]

backdated to february
Jim Kirk + Sharon Carter
PG | Complete-ish

Catching Up. )

Apr. 26th, 2018



april - challenge thread

april - challenge
jim kirk + elizabeth burke
low | complete

free falling )

Apr. 17th, 2018



17 April | Clarice Fong

Policy change: From now on anyone who bumps into me and doesn't go on their way after exchanging the socially acceptable 'sorry' 'it's ok' stuff is getting clocked.

Apr. 12th, 2018



[No Subject]

Dude! What the hell? I couldn't figure out why no one would talk to me and then I looked in a mirror and I wasn't there. I want myself back.

[ooc: Peter is invisible today. Feel free to say he ran over you or something}

Apr. 11th, 2018



april 11th :: steve harrington

Definitely not gonna step into the zoo after what happened on Sunday.

But anyway... Since this Friday is Friday 13th, how about we do a Friday 13th movie marathon in my place (if my roommates don't mind, of course!). Who's in?

Mar. 27th, 2018



[No Subject]

[Friends & Family]
So, more or less, I'll be turning 55 on Saturday. Lauren's insisting I celebrate by hosting a petting zoo painting party (I don't even know what that is). I'm not sure I can achieve that, but I would love to have all of you over to celebrate. No need for presents, I've got everything I need. But there will be dinner and games for the kids and kids-at-heart. And I hear a rumor there might even be cake.

Mar. 26th, 2018



[No Subject]

Okay, wind I don't mind. Rain I don't mind. Wind and rain, though? Not my favorite thing.

So anyone else wanting to escape, I'm having a barbecue up on my personal rooftop pool. Anyone is welcome, just bring food to share. I've got boozy and non-boozy drinks covered as well as meat and vegetarian stuff for the grill.

Mar. 27th, 2018



[No Subject]

John Constantine & Jim Kirk
Outside Dive

For somewhere that was fighting a whole war against people who wanted to rob the world of creativity. It seemed far too normal )