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Posts Tagged: 'bethany+hawke'

Mar. 28th, 2019



[No Subject]

Just when I was starting to think Atlantis had been ignoring me lately.

But you know what, I think I'd rather wake up like this than wake up in my 70s again. As hot as I was then, really wasn't fond of all the joint aches.

Mar. 23rd, 2019



[No Subject]

My bigo brother is getting married tomrrow! Ive adored Fenris since i met him--

well, mostly, I know he didnt trust me much but he liked me soon enough and then well

That was a long time ag, and i am very very glad hes offically joining our family. I can promise itll be a v. pretty ceremony and i will have my best notsad face on because who could be sad when you're two favortte people are getting married? not me

well see you all there!

[OOC: "Bachelor" party at the Hanged Man tonight for friends of Hawke & Fenris, which mostly just involved drinking and cards! Feel free to assume your character was invited/there if friendly with them.]

Mar. 15th, 2019



[No Subject]

Happy Birthday to my closest friend. I even scoured the Internet to find something fitting, since this isn't something I could do on Thedas.

Also, got you a little something, so let me know when you're not busy. Or not too busy.

Mar. 10th, 2019



netpost: leonard mccoy

I know this sounds like a broken record, but it bears repeating - no one should be going out alone, especially after dark. If you're not one of the lucky ones hunting these bastards, stay the hell home until they're caught.

That was a suggestion for everyone else, but for you, it's a direct order. We only go out when we have to and when we do have to go out, we use the buddy system and we call for a security escort. No exceptions.

Mar. 8th, 2019



[No Subject]

Seeing as Solaire decided to sneak off into the night on us (word is he's on a mission, but I don't have any details), Fenris and I have talked it over and we're postponing the wedding to the 24th. Hopefully we can get that arranged without too much trouble. I don't know how these things work. We might have to sell Grace and keep our secondborn. BUT ideally, I won't have to stab anyone. Or threaten to stab anyone. Or annoy them until they cave. Actually that last one is probably more likely.

[OOC: belatedly it occurs to me that I never did an official wedding invite, lol. Please assume friends got told in person a few weeks ago or like handed a napkin with details written on it at some point, IDK, he's a mess.]

[OOC #2: I accidently put the date as the 17th back when I posted this and it was supposed to be the 24th. I'm the mess, not Hawke. EDITED.

Mar. 5th, 2019



[No Subject]

Bethany, apparently, quite literally means "house of figs". It also has religious connotations, but as we come from a world completely different than most religions, I think the name might have different meanings in Thedas.

In fact, I'm almost certain that my parents named me after one of my mother's distant relatives to appease them. Then again my twin Carver was quite literally named after "to cut or carve". I think he would've approved.

Please don't glare at me for saying this, but I actually wish I could pick Anders brain and magic right now with this cure nonsense. Are we sure it isn't an utterly ridiculous idea, chasing this?

Sorry. I have the final food menu for you and Fenris to look over?



[No Subject]

I sincerely apologize if I made anyone uncomfortable with the hugs yesterday. I prefer to be more considerate about people's personal space. If you're anywhere near the training areas and would like a sorry for the bear hug bear claw, I've got a few dozen here. I didn't make them, but they're delicious. Donuts are next on my list of things to learn so if you prefer some other kind, throw a suggestion my way, yeah?

Mar. 4th, 2019



4 March | Bella Hartley

I'm really glad to know I'm not the only one that has been randomly hugging field agents. I think I'm going to head to Mako and try and stay out of the way for the rest of the day.

PLOT: ♆ - ONE CHARACTER EACH feels the need to hug all Field Agents they see today.

Feb. 18th, 2019



[No Subject]

Atlantis/Earth holidays are much more enjoyable than Thedosian Holidays. While we enjoy celebrating and being able to feast and drink as much as possible, we have nothing like discount chocolate following the day, and that takes the cake.

Before you arrived, I had approached members of medical and science for a bit of help on an issue, and for the most part we haven't made any headway with it. I don't want to overwhelm or annoy you with it, as there's no real hurry. But the information is here when you have time to peruse it, and I've attached the following tests and files that have been gathered since then.

I look forward to hearing your thoughts on the matter, Dr. Ziegler.

Feb. 5th, 2019



[No Subject]

Guten tag, my friends. Please call me Angela, though I will answer to Dr. Ziegler if you are more the formal type. Honestly, I will respond to a fair number of things, so long as they're polite! I arrived today and have already situated myself in the medical wing. The scientific approach to things here is greatly appreciated and I already feel it is quite the step up from my labs in the basement at our old base in Gibraltar.

I'll be reviewing medical files as quickly as I can, but if you have any pressing medical needs or someone to talk to, my door is open immediately. If you have not had a medical review or checkup in at least six months, please also see about scheduling one. If you're not certain as to how, please let me know and I can schedule it on your behalf. I welcome new challenges, and look forward to working with Dr. McCoy and the rest of the medical staff. Thank you for having me and I promise I will put in the work to fit in here as nicely as I am able.

Feb. 4th, 2019



[No Subject]

Guess what I found! It's almost as good as a dragon. In ten days time, we will be enjoying a holiday here in Atlantis! For those of you who, like me, aren't familiar with many holidays, it is a day dedicated to the power of love, and it's called Valentines Day. Or... Valentine's Day. I'm honestly not sure. I did some research on it, and it appears as if Valentine was some sort of holy man in his day, but honestly all that bit was a lot of reading and I got bored so you'll have to look up the rest of that if you'd like some history because I definitely didn't stick with it. But the holiday dedicated to St. Valentine is wonderful! It's a celebration of love, which I think is so essential. In dark and uncertain times, there's nothing quite so reassuring as knowing that there's someone or someones out there waiting for you to get home, is there?

From what I can tell, the main colours of this holiday are pink and red. There are lots of images of lovers gazing into another's eyes, beautiful small paper artworks with embroidered lace, and somewhat bafflingly, what appear to be winged babies wearing poorly-constructed diapers shooting people. I'm not sure what that's about. Perhaps it's to remind us that life is fleeting and that we should love while we have the opportunity before babies kill us with tiny arrows? I've also discovered through the research that wasn't historical and dull that people are supposed to give one another chocolates or cinnamon candies on Valentines Day, love letters, roses (or other flowers), and send anonymous letters of love to their crushes. So if you're single, this is still a holiday that you can benefit from!

I'm very excited about Valentines Day. It seems optimistic and fun and lighthearted, and with the days being so short and spring seemingly so far away, I could use the distraction.

[ Filtered to Bethany ]

Will you be my Valentine, Bethany Hawke? I've festooned the collars of our animals with roses, and frankly, it's already a mess, but I promise to clean it up.

[ /Filter ]

Jan. 26th, 2019



January 25 | Cassandra Pentaghast

I can no longer say that my time in Orlais is the worst time I've had anywhere. Or the (waking) Fade, for that matter.

Jan. 23rd, 2019



[No Subject]

We’re getting closer. Ran into some COS, big scuffle. No agent casualties, but a few of the team are pretty banged up. I could use some supplies if Medical could send some my way.

Jan. 22nd, 2019



[No Subject]

Hey, everyone. What’d I miss?

Gonna second what Jesse said before about the nightmares. I’m sorry I don’t have better news than that, and that I can’t just wake everyone else up. It’s I can’t h

When can I come back to work?
I’m glad you were there.



[No Subject]

Tried to eat an orange this morning. Hot sauced. Tried to have a granola bar over at medical. Hot sauced. Tried to enjoy a bit of chocolate. Hot sauced.

All right, I get it.

Who's up for an old fashioned Kirkwall Hottest -- well I guess you just call them Wings here. I know I could use the distraction.

Bethany, you've got that pink stuff for later?

Jan. 21st, 2019



[No Subject]

[ Filtered to Medical ]

There's no substitute for restful sleep, but since that's off the fucking menu, may I suggest that I use my powers to dampen your pain receptors while you're on shift? We're too strapped to get by on Red Bull and hope. My abilities won't assist with improving cognitive functions, but it'll take the edge off of stress-related aches and pains and keep you less distracted by the physical consequences of exhaustion.

Let me know. I have no intention of removing anyone's pain that doesn't want it.

[ /Filter ]

[ Filtered to Mitch ]

Remind me that taking her and running isn't the logical option.

[ /Filter ]



[No Subject]

[ command + team leaders }
I wanted to check in with the status of our rescue mission. We had a few snags at the start, between a nasty storm and a bit of tricky navigating. Today, we found and were tracking a COS agent -- the bastard disappeared into a tree, which then exploded. We've got a few plans we're working through now, but it's at least a lead.

We're getting there. We'll get them back.

[ kirkwall + musketeers ]
I just checked in and saw something about comas? What in Maker's breath is going on back there?



Netpost 03: Abby Griffin

The timing of this is terrible

I’m positive I won’t be of any use to anyone today so I’m staying home. I’ll see you all tomorrow.

Jan. 17th, 2019



[No Subject]

So is that whole five month notice on a wedding a requirement around here or just extra polite? Also can I custom order giant balloon versions of two people dressed in formalwear? Is that a thing? Asking for a friend.

We really should finalize a date and get going on the planning. Do you have anything you've been imagining in particular? I was thinking something down at the harbor but we'd need things to warm up a bit first, if we don't want everyone whining about how cold they are through the whole ceremony. (By everyone, I mean me, obviously.) End of February or sometime in March, maybe?

Jan. 13th, 2019



[No Subject]

[Thedosians + Solaire]
I think I may have opened a small doorway to the Fade when I slept? this has never happened bef They're not tangible and I'm not entirely sure but there are most definitely spirits and I'm not certain what I'm supposed to do with them and I can't figure out where they're coming from.

I'm sorry. Bananas are much more fun.