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October 4th, 2018



[No Subject]

[Jack, Ianto, the Doctor & other who consider her a friend!]

I'll be going to this Mystic Falls place for a while to help out with finding the Notebook, I think. Apparently it's landed there.

It just sounds like a bit of a search and rescue mission for a book so I doubt it'll be like, super eventful.



Netpost 01: Myka Bering

At first I thought that I'd descended into another level of hell. Which meant that I hadn't been rescued. But that possibility was quickly eliminated as everything is far too nice and peaceful for that to be true.

Then I thought that this could be a dream brought on from having watched Atlantis: The Lost Empire with my son and Tink the other day. Only then I realized that it was too elaborate to be a dream. And that the coin must have brought me to some other version of Atlantis. To which I remember saying, "Looks like we're not in Kansas anymore, Aiden." Only to a moment later realize that Aiden was nowhere to be found.

I've spent most of yesterday reflecting on my behavior after that revelation and found that it was uncalled for. Most of you were trying to help and I was exceptionally rude. So, I apologize.

To those who I have not yet met, hello! My name is Myka Bering, formerly of the Secret Service and The Warehouse.

[OOC: So, Myka arrived on the 29th and she was probably really short and a little bit rude at her intake appointment. Since then she's kind of been searching around for her son because she had to make sure that someone wasn't hiding him from her. Feel free to say that one of yours may have interacted with her while she was out and about. :D]