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Savage Garden Character Updates

Savage Garden - Character Updates
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mudpie [07 Aug 2014|10:59am]

Type: Behavioral

Description of change: The rice paddy Bash has been trying to keep up is now filled in completely with dirt. It's currently a mud pit but will dry out in the summer heat.

The avocado pit plant on the side has germinated and a young, green plant is growing. Bash continues to water it daily.
Who is likely to notice: Treehouse
Reference(s): x

plants [06 Jul 2014|09:34am]

Type: Behavioral

Description of change: Bash has dug, over a couple days, a knee-deep pit in a sunny patch of ground about 20 or so feet from the treehouse's well. He's filled it with fresh water and tossed a small handful of white rice inside. He can be seen stirring it around a few times a day with a long stick.

There is also an avocado pit buried to the side, which he waters.
Who is likely to notice: Treehouse
Reference(s): one, two

Rules & Instructions [22 Jun 2014|03:45pm]

Updates Community: Rules )

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