September 14th, 2007

[info]guiltyred_fics in [info]saiyuki_yaoi

Guilty Conscience

Title: Guilty Conscience
Author/Artist: [info]guiltyred
Rating: PG13
Warnings: foul language and dark crackness
Word count: 455
Summary: Take the canon, substitute one bored sadistic telepath for one vengeful sadistic shikigami, shake well, pour very carefully…
Prompt: Saiyuki/Weiss Kreuz, Schuldig: Masturbation - Schuldig really, really enjoys the sanzo-ikkou's angst and self-hatred. And possibly encourages it a little...
A/N: Opening dialog quoted from the Saiyuki manga, book 3. The name “Xin Xu” is simplified Mandarin for “have a guilty conscience” and is pronounced “Shin Shu” – more fitting than I could have hoped for. (source: MDBG Chinese-English Dictionary)

“Hello, hello. You sirs. Over there.”