Sep. 11th, 2007


Excitement of Battle

Title: Excitement of Battle
Characters/Pairings: Kenren, Tenpou
Team: Kou-tachi
Prompt: Hunger
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 100


“You think you’re a match for me?” he scoffed. Lifting his hand, he practically begged the demon clan to prove him wrong.

“You bastard! Even if you’re a god, we’ll kill you.” With a smirk, he lifted his sword and sliced through yet another demon. Their warm blood splattered his leather coat. He didn’t mind. He lived for the danger, the excitement he felt when fighting against demons on Earth.

Too soon, it was over. He returned to the Heavens to drink sake and saw Tenpou helping himself to some of his store. “Did you enjoy yourself Kenren?”

“Of course.”

Sep. 10th, 2007


Supper Time with Lirin

Title: Supper Time with Lirin
Characters : Kougaiji, Dokugakuji, Lirin
Challenge: Hunger
Team: Sanzo-ikkou
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
A/N: My first time writing these particular characters. ^__^ I was skimming through Volume 3 of the manga and was inspired, lol.

“You can’t have that, that’s Onii-chan’s supper.” Lirin waggled her finger at the tall man.

“But, I’m starving.” Dokugakuji sniffed at the pot simmering over the fire and wrinkled his nose. “What’s in this?”

“A whole bunch of things! Grass, leaves, lizard guts, bananas-

She rattled on some other ingredients that made Dokugakuji run.

Kougaiji raised an eyebrow at the departure.



“Yep, it’s REALLY good! Try some!”

Kougaiji sniffed the pot. “I’m actually full Lirin, why don’t you see if Yaone wants some?” He watched her skip off and his stomach growled.

Hunger was a better than nausea.


Prompt #13

It seems that only the Sanzo-ikkou were followed by shadows bringing in 10 points for the win.  The Kou-tachi and the Homura-tachi must've had a little trouble sewing theirs back on.

The prompt for this week is #13 - Hunger

Goku says it all the time - "I'm hungry!" But it doesn't always get him a meat bun. 

And yet there are other kinds of hunger besides having an empty stomach.  Hunger is also equated with a want or a need.

Whether Gojyo is hungry for sex; Hakkai hungers for a home; Sanzo hungers for the end of the journey; or Goku is just plain hungry - you must write hunger into 100 words.

January 2010





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