Sep. 26th, 2007


Smoking Section

Title: Smoking Section
Characters : Bad Habit
Challenge: Gojyo & Sanzo
Team: Sanzo-ikkou
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100

“Smoking will kill ya, you know.” Gojyo leaned against the wall, took a cigarette from behind his ear.

“You’re one to talk,” Sanzo exhaled smoke.

“Yeah,” Gojyo said. He grinned at the lighter tossed to him. He lit the tip, took a long drag, and tossed the lighter back. “There are worse things out there that’ll kill ya.”


“The way I figure, this is a consolation to what we see.” Gojyo flicked ash to the ground. “Just wish Hakkai would get off our backs.”

Your back – he doesn’t care if I have fresh breath.”

Gojyo chuckled. “Damn perceptive monk.”

Sep. 24th, 2007


Prompt #15

It seems that the Homura-tachi have their weapons cleaned, primed and ready to go for 10 points.  The Sanzo-tachi is still bickering over who has the best weapon for the job while the Kou-tachi watch.

The prompt this week is #15 - Bad Habit

We all have a bad habit or two and know how hard they are to break.  Sometimes these habits irritate those closest to us, especially if they have to live with us.

Your task this week is to give any of the characters a bad habit.  

Do Goku chew his fingernails (or worse, toenails)? Does Hakkai suck his teeth?  Does Gojyo swear like a drunken sailor?  And what about Sanzo, besides the smoking, there has to be something else he does to annoy.

And the Homura-tachi - does Zenon secretly pick his nose? Does Homura crack his knuckles? twirler?

The Kou-tachi - hmmm...  Kougaiji - does his litter his laundry all over the floor?  Maybe he sniffs his socks befor deciding whether they are clean or not.  Or maybe Yaone is a middle of the night snack fiend!

No matter the habit, give our characters a bad one in 100 words.

January 2010





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