Carnegiea Gigantea [Random]'s Journal [entries|friends|calendar]
Carnegiea Gigantea [Random]

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[15 Jul 2012|02:04pm]

I don't do hungover so well ugh.
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[13 Jul 2012|07:47pm]

Hello hello hello! Jordan James here, I finally decided to join the party. How is everyone tonight?
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[01 Jul 2012|06:51am]

For the next few days I ain't listening to anything but Meshuggah. I don't know if any of you are gonna listen to this but the video's pretty amusing. And they are amazing musicians.

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Facebook Update @chefbl on Twitter 4 minutes ago via Twitter [30 Jun 2012|09:00pm]

Remember: Grease fires spread when put out with water.. #dumbassesatworkinthekitchen
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Facebook Status: [30 Jun 2012|01:36am]

So Jason and I had a mini vacation together up in Trinidad Co (omg the fires are so fucking scary right now), and he took some pictures of me in our room. So I thought I'd share a few of them.

Uploaded to twitter. )
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Small update. [30 Jun 2012|01:06am]

[ mood | happy ]

These got taken by Cleo for me. Thanks girl, you rock so much.

Okay yea ignore the giant rock on my finger, it's really fake and I bought it myself )

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[29 Jun 2012|08:06pm]

[ mood | giggly ]

So I am moving tomorrow.
I'm so nervous about this, but at the same time I can not wait for tomorrow night when I get to go to bed with my knight.

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Party! [29 Jun 2012|03:15pm]

[ mood | anxious ]

Hey guys, next week for the 4th Lex and I are hosting a big ol'party at our place. We're already getting everything set up for the night, so if you wanna come over and have food, drinks and just relax and not worry about what you'll do that night beyond the fireworks come by our place.

I'll be sober if anyone needs to get taxi'd home after the party for work in the morning.

Only warning you get is that our dogs and cats rule the house - they won't be locked up.

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[28 Jun 2012|09:52pm]

Kaka is what the Norse called cook which was they called cakes.
Ancient Romans called cheese cake a Placenta.

Sorry. I am lame and had nothing of value or interesting to say.

My name is Bryant Lambert.
Not related to either famous Lambert. Tragic, I know.

I'm a local, but I am a small hermit - in that I rarely go out and hangout in the town. I know Lex and Angel, we've bonded over cooking (Angel and I), and eating good food (Lex and I).

I am a professional chef, and a professional pastry chef. I work as a line cook here in town at Feli's, if you've eaten there cool. I hear the food is pretty good.

Ask me questions and I might tell you a lie or the truth.

I'm really bad at this, and boring.

*edit* If you're friends with Angel - DO NOT GET DRUNK WITH HER!
I'm on Tumblr looking at hers and there are all these gifs she's made of me with tubs and I just don't even know.
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[28 Jun 2012|03:27pm]

*dances* if you want my body and u think I'm sexy come on baby let me know.
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[28 Jun 2012|03:25pm]

Sugar sugar. Do do do do do do, awwww honey honey! You are my candy girl and you got me wanting you !!
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[28 Jun 2012|01:06am]

[ mood | sad ]

Every time I take a moment to write I feel the words slipping away from the front of my mind into the darkest parts of my head space that taunt me. It's frustrating that everything I want to say goes unspoken..
Stupid brain.
I'm pretty sure I'll barely have enough thoughts to fill a teaspoon.. I swear the heat has eaten my ability to write. Along with thinking properly.
Maybe that's why I punished myself with calling my mom and dad.. I told them my surgery was on January fifteenth; they said they had no child and if I called again they would call the police and file harassment charges.
Why do I like to do these things to myself.. I must be stupid.

Picture text to Marcus: [27 Jun 2012|11:40pm]

Hey baby look what I found. :D
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[27 Jun 2012|02:23am]


I found that picture you took of me back when we first met - the one from that hazing with all those college asses in the bar.

Fuck this thing is blurry and old, and I have two legs.. fuck.
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[26 Jun 2012|04:01pm]

Marcus and I just had an anniversary - forgot to get pictures of his face when I gave him his gift.. it got used that night and I woke up hurting. So all I have is the stock photo from the site I order his gift from, to prove that I'm an awesome boyfriend.

Lex take notes!

The cause of so much achy. )
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[25 Jun 2012|06:07pm]

Going to see Thackery! Going to be a great day!
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[22 Jun 2012|11:21am]

[ mood | amused ]

So the TV in the green room here has the BBC-America turned on and the show Jamie's Meals in Minutes is what is playing. The host reminds me of you Thack, only British with weird words for measurement. I am cracking up laughing and my coworkers have no idea why I am doing this.

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[20 Jun 2012|09:50am]

Alright, I ain't good at this computer stuff, not really. And apparently I suck at making those icon thingies. So if someone knows how to make 'em, and can? That would be awesome. If you could help, I mean. So any of you folks that are more computer litterate than me, and that's probably all of ya... Could one of you help me out? I've got the pictures but that's it.

In other news, I'm working my butt off on a series of paintings. Yo, Piper, get your ass over. I want your opinion. If you miss this message, I'll text ya sometime.

And instead of sending more texts, I've got a message for a few more folks.

Ace, we gotta hang out sometime. What are you doing later this week?

Roxy? Hey, what's up? This is my attempt at not being an anti social fuckhead, so you got any free time to hang out or whatnot? Wold be pretty cool to actually meet you. Sorry I missed your party thang, I'm a dick.

Peace out
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No idea... [15 Jun 2012|02:00pm]

[ mood | amused ]

I have no idea where she found this picture but Lex now has a new project she is working on for our next bike run. It's for our two little ones, as the other pups will be to big for us to transport together like this.
No idea where she found this picture. )
I love my oddball wife; so glad I am having a baby with her.

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[13 Jun 2012|11:04pm]

[ mood | creative ]

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