May. 24th, 2008


Very much looking forward to flame tending

If there are a lot of shifts that need to be covered as we get close, I'm going to friends and family to help cover them so the flame stays lit. I know a few of my friends will at least take a temp shift and some may even join us permenently.

What are some of the reasons you tend the flame?

For me, it is because the Goddess Brighid has been so important to my life the past 4-5 years. That's why you'll see me use this icon a lot. Bride as the metalsmith, using fire and forge to transform something from nearly nothing calls to my spirit and defines my life (mundane and spiritual) since I finally moved out of the toxic relationship I had with my family that I was trapped in. My life truly began at the ripe age of 29. I never regretted the years from 18-28 when I should have been on my own, dating, working, forging my own way. My family convinced me that I couldn't make it on my own, I'd never have any money, I wouldn't be able to take care of myself. Never mind that I was perfectly able to take care of them. I was so blind and controlled by them. My fault for letting them have the control, but when it's your mom and grandma (my dad has never been in the picture) who has raised you your whole life, you know they know best. Especially if they have a very controlling, dominatance over you your whole life (I never went to the mall on my own, went to a movie without one of them chaparoning, etc)you just roll with it.

Anyhow, enough of that. The past few years (and I'm still working on it) I've really come out of my shell and I've redefined myself. Like raw material, I've been melted in the forge, and shaped (still being shaped) by the Lady's great forge fires. I've learned a lot about myself and I'm still learning lessons. I know things about myself that while I accept them now, I want to change, I know things about myself to be proud of. I have a confidence in myself that is growing and slowly becoming stronger.

I've also grown and evolved to be more than what I was. I'm a wife and a mother now. I also have an idea of what I want my 3rd phase of my life to be like. I actually have an idea of what my Eldering Ceremony to be like and I wish to embrace my middle years to senior years with grace and confidence. (Though not too soon, LOL)

This is why I tend my flame. For my daughter and for our family, but also to honor the aspects of Lady Brighid that are mirrored within myself.