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Posts Tagged: '%7Bharuki%7D'

Aug. 22nd, 2011



Who: ??? and Bunnycorn
Where: Monodorms
When: Day 265, late afternoon

E-excuse me...

Jul. 27th, 2011



Who: Some new kid Uroboros...
When: Day 257, midday
What: This couldn't possibly be a wake-up call.

[One rather dangerous looking boy is currently pacing around one of the upper levels of Ophiuchus, engrossed in reading the rulebook.]

Jul. 19th, 2011




Who: Cygnus, Pyxis, anyone
Where: Pygnus area
When: Day 254 through 255 (whenever convenient, timespace, Subject a time, etc)
What: stuff

[In which Cygnus dorms were terapede'd so we are staying at Pyxis.]

Jul. 15th, 2011




Who: Ophiuchus and YOU
Where: All over
When: Day 252 later evening/Day 253 early morning

[time to get to work!]

((GENERAL POST FOR GAME MASTER PUNISHMENTS. Ophi can do their assignments here, and folks doing their own dirty work may also hijack this! Feel free to decide if the actions take place in the evening or morning, whatever works best for you :|d Backthreading is A-OK as well))

Jul. 6th, 2011



Who: Edge, anyone
Where: many places
When: Day 251, early morning
What: exploration

[A new Ophiuchus is out this morning, being shown around the place by a slightly older one. Who just keeps on talking.]

Jul. 4th, 2011




Who: Weed, anyone
Where: Around Pygnus
When: Day 250, afternoon

*a newly blind Cygnus is out sort of wandering but mostly staying next to the walls and trying not to look terrified*

Jun. 28th, 2011



Who: Any
Where: Anywhere in the cove area
When: Day 248, early evening
What: And the cat came back, the very next day

[Wherever you happen to be hunting, fishing or conversing you may notice a strange creature for the Sabra landscape slinking from one shadow to the next, sometimes pausing to watch or listen.

Food or a new Blank? Or do you notice it at all?]

Jun. 16th, 2011



Who: whoever . . . wants to be
Where: arrrroouunnnddd . . .?
When: Day 246, morningish
What: wander. . . wander. . .

[ A little Lacerta girl takes a walk. around. to see the sights. you know. :T ]

. . . .freakin' . . .shit . . .

Jun. 13th, 2011




Who: Pecha and you!
Where: Any old place
When: Day 245, aaaall daaay
What: So I hear you like aftermath posts!

[currently, there is an Ophi who seems to have escaped the majority of maiming and whatnot wandering around the area. Possibly also looking at the changes in the place]

Uwaa... pretty destructive...

May. 10th, 2011




Who: Taiki, Apple, anyone
Where: In front of Cygnus and Pavo dorms, respectively.
When: Day 237, evening too!!
What: Dehiatus

[Apple has been deposited in front of Pavo. He looks a little dazed! But as armless and okay as he was before.

And a stumpy-horned kirin you may or may not recognize is trotting up to Cygnus. A goat/the Kid may be with him... and maybe even riding on the kirin, who knows how that works 8Ua]

[warning for being flaky and slow]

Apr. 18th, 2011




Who: Weed, others
Where: The river by Cygnus
When: Day 232, Eveningish
What: fail!fishing and flower-picking

*Weed is alternately picking flowers/plants, and attempting to catch fish bare-handed. Only one of these is going well*

Dammit all to hell. This is why I fucking like vegetables.

Apr. 17th, 2011



Who: Ophiuchus
Where: The dorms
When: Day 232, evening
What: Ranking changes... and a mission

[For many Ophiuchus who have been used to such changes occurring terribly early in the morning, if not in one's sleep if they are not favored by Horn, probably for the first time feel the earth shake, the rasp of scales, and a black shimmer engulf your clothing, changing them as you stand.

Caduceus has taken the finery and luxuries of this round, with Uraeus following extremely closely. Uroboros places last by only a point.

Outside of the unusual time of a rankings change, there's something of an anticipatory air hanging heavy.]

Apr. 4th, 2011



Who: Orion + visitors
Where: Monster Hunter
When: Day 229, noon and onwards
What: Game actions wear off, and other things

[228 was a long day. It's possible 229 will be just as long. It hasn't gotten off to a terrific start for some Orions, at least.]

Mar. 13th, 2011



Who: Monster Hunter, visitors
Where: Monster Hunter
When: Day 223, After game
What: Newbie!

[an UNFAMILIAR HEAD just poked itself out of the trapdoor that connects Cetus and Orion] Helloooooooooo? Anybody home?

Mar. 2nd, 2011




Who: Bunnycorn, Whoever else
Where: Mono Dorms
When: Day 220, later afternoon
What: whar is princess

[SO ONE LAWYER has noticed, gosh was breakfast ever made. was LUNCH ever made. And does it generally feel 99% less princess-y some how]

[aaand after checking some rooms and noticing they are a bit TOO in order, he does what any lawyer would do]


[point and ask questions super loudly!]

Feb. 28th, 2011



Who: Mikazuki, the rest of Sabra
When: Day 220, All day

[Mission start! Just after curfew a figure can be seen slipping out of Pyxis dorms and starting a patrol of the river/lake near the dorm area.

Anyone thinking of fishing, beware!]

Feb. 23rd, 2011




Who: Cygnus and others
Where: Pygnus area
When: Day 218, afternoon
What: All that normal stuff, also one of them is trying to avoid human contact because awkward flirting is awkward.

*Cygnus doin' Cygnus things*

Feb. 20th, 2011




Who: Anyone
Where: Anywhere
When: Day 217, early aft.
What: Patrollin' in the caves, patrollin' in the caves, what a glorious feeling~

[Today Haru is patrolling, his clawed brass knuckles on and ...singing to himself as he goes. It goes something like this:]

One little, two little, three little sabra teams
four little, five little, six little sabra teams
Seven little, eight little, nine little sabra teams
Ten little teams and more.

One fell down and died in a painful game
Two resolved that they would soon have to maim
The rest aren't even sure why it is that they came
Ten little teams and more!

Ophi's here; are we really hard and mean?
Ophi's here; to serve we are awful keen
Who do we serve? Of course, it is Guardian!
Ten little teams and more~.

[and then it repeats]




Who: Emil, Mitsuru, whoever is likely to be around Orion
Where: Orion dorms
When: Day 216, a bit post-game

[Someone very cranky is stalking jerkily downstairs with just his vest on, sans shirt- and that done sloppily, as though in a hurry. He has the journal open to a particular page.]

What is this?

Feb. 1st, 2011



Who: Ophiuchus
Where: The barracks
When: Day 210, evening

[Today, sometime after dinner time, should you be passing through the room with the great staircase, or honestly even close enough to hear the frantic, scrabbling footsteps, you probably are just in time to meet the latest Uroboros blank.

Not that he knows this, or even has any markings of being on Uroboros yet. He is, however, quite winded, and even more intent on getting way the hell away from whatever horrifying monster is down there.]


[He plasters himself to the far wall and THEN looks around.]