RS Games 2009
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Thursday, October 29th, 2009

    Time Event
    Day 29 - Fic: Team AU: A Dusk; A Dawn
    Team: Team AU
    Title: A Dusk; A Dawn
    Rating: PG-13
    Warnings: fluff, some very poor parenting
    Genre(s): Fluff/Romance
    Word Count: 2500
    Summary: Sirius Black never received a Hogwarts letter – in fact, he never received any letter at all. His parents, unable to face the reality of having a squib for a son, abandon Sirius to the care of his uncle, Alphard.
    Prompt: Pink/Poem

    A Dusk; A Dawn
    Day 29 - Fic: Team Canon: The Silence, After
    Team: Team Canon
    Title: The Silence, After
    Rating: PG
    Warnings: Tension and Suspicion. Mention of alcohol use.
    Genre(s): Angst/Drama
    Word Count: 1804
    Summary: Tensions between Remus and Sirius grow as the first war progresses and the Potters make plans to go into hiding.
    Prompt: Green/Poem

    The Silence, After

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