RS Games 2009
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Wednesday, October 28th, 2009

    Time Event
    Day 28 - Fic: Team Canon: Undone
    Team: Team Canon
    Title: Undone
    Rating: NC-17
    Warnings: mildly explicit m/m sexual situation
    Genre: angst
    Word Count: ~ 4000
    Summary: Almost. Remus thinks he can almost laugh, but there is no laughter in him—another thing killed by this war when least expected. Just as wars do.
    Author's Note: Thank you, Mods for this fest! It’s always delightful. Thanks to everyone at rs_team_canon. And thanks to my beta, H! ♥
    Prompt: Pink/Image

    Day 28 - Fic: Team AU: The Hour Between
    Team: Team AU
    Title: The Hour Between
    Rating: R
    Warnings: none
    Genre: Fluff
    Word Count: ~
    Summary: If Dumbledore was right, then a Marauder was the spy and everything James loved was in danger. His decision to change secret keepers will affect the Marauders, his wife and child, and the world at large far more than he expected.
    Prompt: Orange

    The Hour Between

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