RS Games 2009
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Tuesday, October 27th, 2009

    Time Event
    RS Games Day 27

    Team: AU
    Title: Fools Rush In
    Rating: PG-13
    Warnings: Language, sexual references and crack à la ritardando
    Genre(s): Humour/Crack, Angst/Drama
    Word Count: 9 859
    Summary: An inconspicuous lead guitarist in an obscure band, and a classic lit-geek in leather jacket that won't stop pursuing him. No restraining orders are filed and first impressions might turn out to be misleading.
    Prompt: Orange: Healing/Understanding

    Team: canon
    Title: A Lethifold Has Got Me
    Rating: PG-13
    Warnings: some swearing
    Genre(s): angst, romance
    Word Count: 4,450
    Summary: This story is about fake nuns, feisty magical plants and about where you splinched-off body parts go, but most of all, it’s about loving a bad man
    Prompt: Violet Poem

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