RS Games 2009
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Monday, October 26th, 2009

    Time Event
    Day 26: Fic and Art
    Team: Team AU

    Title: The Sun Shines For You
    Rating: R
    Warnings: masturbation, ramblings, slight OOC of certain characters, frottage
    Genre(s): flangst, humour
    Word Count: 13 124
    Summary: As a Ravenclaw with high ambitions and few friends, Sirius doesn't see that what he's missing is sitting right in front of him. Sometimes, quite literally.
    Prompt: yellow/sunshine

    Title: Nos Contra Mundum
    Rating: PG-13
    Warnings: Partial nudity and sexual implications
    Genre(s): Romance/Fluff, Hurt/Comfort
    Summary: Oxford University, 1910. Adolescence is a state of constant uncertainty and aimless frustration, like a sea at rage; if one should find an anchor, should one utilize it, be it wrongly constructed in every sense of the word?
    Prompt: Indigo; Poem

    Artist's Notes: Any and all resemblances to Maurice or Brideshead Revisited are purely coincidental. Honestly! (Also, if one would like to read the "panels" in the chronological order, this shows how to do it.)

    Team: Canon

    Title: The Element of Surprise
    Rating: PG
    Warnings: None
    Genre(s): Fluff/Romance, though the ardour is as much for the city of Oxford as for anyone else.
    Word Count: 1,528
    Summary: In the summer of 1995, Remus receives an unexpected visitor.
    Prompt: Turquoise picture (Bedroom at Arles, Vincent van Gogh)

    Title: Lights Off
    Rating: PG
    Warnings: A bare male chest.
    Genre: Hurt/Comfort
    Summary: Now the war has started, not even the comfort of Sirius in his bed, can help Remus sleep.
    Prompt: Red, picture (Dans le Lit)

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