RS Games 2009
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Friday, October 23rd, 2009

    Time Event
    Day 23 – Fic: Team AU : most famous knight of the world
    Team: Team AU
    Title: most famous knight of the world
    Rating: R
    Warnings: Abuse of Arthurian legends
    Genre(s): Romance, angst
    Word Count: 3500 words
    Summary: Remus has no need of the DADA job in Harry Potter’s third year at Hogwarts. Instead, he lives in a cottage by a lake on the side of a mountain and tries to make sense of it all.
    Prompt: Red/Poem

    most famous knight of the world
    Day 23 – Fic: Team Canon: A Run in the Forest
    Team: Team Canon
    Title: A Run in the Forest
    Rating: R
    Warnings: Nudity, non-bestial dog cuddling.
    Genre(s): Humor/Fluff
    Word Count: 1503
    Summary: One day in class, the boys get bored, and decide to go out to the forest.
    Prompt: Green/Image

    A Run in the Forest

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