RS Games 2009
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Thursday, October 22nd, 2009

    Time Event
    Day 22 - Fic: Team Canon: Where there's a will
    Team: Canon
    Title: Where there's a will
    Rating: PG
    Warnings: none
    Genre(s): Fluff/Romance
    Word Count: 1,735
    Summary: Sirius doesn’t like Remus’ place, mostly because it isn’t Sirius’ place.
    Prompt: Turquoise/Picture

    Where there's a will
    Day 22: Fic: Team AU: The Remedy
    Team: Team AU
    Title: The Remedy
    Rating: R
    Warnings: Character Death, Sensitive Subject Matter (HIV/AIDS), Language, Mild Sexual Content
    Genre(s): (a) Angst/Drama, (c) Hurt/Comfort
    Word Count: 14,492
    Summary: Non-Magic!AU: In 1985 San Francisco, Sirius Black is starting to fall in Love, but the man he’s falling for, Remus Lupin, can’t or won’t Love him back. When he discovers that Remus is HIV Positive, the two men have to decide how much a chance at Love is worth risking.
    Prompt: Orange/Words

    The Remedy
    Day 22 - Art: Team Canon: Paper Boats
    Team: Team Canon
    Title: Paper Boats
    Rating: PG-13
    Warnings: None
    Genre(s): Romance
    Prompt: Red/Poem

    Paper Boats
    Day 22 - Art: Team AU: Morning Light
    Team: Team AU
    Title: Morning Light
    Rating: G
    Warnings: None. All fluff here.
    Genre(s): Fluff/Romance
    Summary: Remus and Sirius spending time together during the full moon. Sirius is a Slytherin while Remus is a werewolf. They spend the last hours of the night together, trying to hold onto the last rays of moonlight, hoping that the morning will stay away for just a little longer.
    Prompt: Yellow/Words

    Morning Light

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