RS Games 2009
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Monday, October 12th, 2009

    Time Event
    DAY 12 - Fic: Team AU: Title: On Tiptoes
    Title: On Tiptoes
    Team: AU
    Title: On Tiptoes
    Rating: PG-13 for very non-graphic implications of sex.
    Warnings: Choppy flow, too little detail, and overall suckiness.
    Genre(s): Angst/Drama
    Word Count: 7127
    Summary: Believe in the power of second chances.
    Prompt: Red

    On Tiptoes
    DAY 12 - Fic: Canon: Title: peace of mind
    Team: Canon
    Title: peace of mind
    Rating: pg 13
    Warnings: none
    Genre(s): Fluff/Romance, Hurt/Comfort
    Word Count: 1681
    Summary: Sirius gets stuck in his animagus form for seven days and it falls to Remus to look after him. After being so used to living alone, will a 'pet' bring Remus the peace of mind he craves?
    Prompt: indigo - serenity/harmony

    peace of mind
    RS_Games: Day 10 - Fics
    Team Canon
    Title/Link: Of Clocks and Monsters
    Rating: R
    Warnings: Dub con, angst.
    Genre: Angst/Drama
    Word Count: 1,563
    Summary: During OotP, Remus tries to help Sirius, but realizes that he may actually be enabling his pain.
    Prompt: Turquoise poem.

    Team AU
    Title/Link: A Moon In The Life
    Rating: PG
    Warnings: none really
    Genre: Hurt/Comfort I guess
    Word Count: 6227
    Summary: One moon in James' and Sirius' lives.
    Prompt: yellow/picture

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