RS Games 2009
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Wednesday, October 7th, 2009

    Time Event
    Team: AU
    Title: Clouds and their Linings
    Rating: PG (one swear)
    Warnings: Sad themes.
    Genre(s): If anything, this falls under Hurt/Comfort
    Word Count: 3915
    Summary: Every cloud has a lining. But sometimes it's harder to see.
    Prompt: Indigo - picture

    Clouds and their Linings

    Team: Canon
    Title: Running Red
    Rating: PG-13
    Warnings: One or two bad words
    Genre(s): Fluff/Romance
    Word Count: about 1700
    Summary: If one's life could be said to be a river, then Remus's would have run red.
    Prompt: Red, Life/Strength
    Poem credit: Pablo Neruda

    Running Red

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