October 2013




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Aug. 10th, 2013


Over Coffee

Characters: Jason and Wes
Setting: Block A kitchen, midday

After getting his things back from Edan, Jason went back to his new room. No one had claimed the few things that were in there yet, so he carefully collected them, setting them all in one place. He'd hang on to them for a few days, see if anyone claimed them, and if not, he was sure there were some people here who could use them. After that, he put his own things away. Once he finished, he got changed into some real clothes and ventured out. Time to see what was really going on.

Investigations )



Who: Autumn and Mazie
When:Late afternoon/ Early evening
Where: Autumn's room

and burn )

Aug. 9th, 2013


not the best foot to start on

Characters: Edan and Naomi
Setting: Kitchen, midday

conflicting views )



Characters: rosa and hunter
Setting: block b kitchen

different pages )


fierce appetites

Characters: Autumn and Jim
Setting: room 42

a good mood can be infectious. also confidence is sexy. )


oh the awkward

Characters: Alice and Rusty
Setting: Alice's room (Rusty's old room)

eek! onoz! eek! wait, nevermind. )

Aug. 7th, 2013


Cat Fight!

Characters: Anne Marie and Pippa and OPEN!
Setting: B Block Courtyard

“What’s going on? Where are you taking me?” Anne Marie answered, receiving no answer as she was shuffled along. When everything became still, she waited, tensing when the room began to move. An elevator, she decided, and was still a moment more before slowly reached for her blindfold, surprised to find her hands free. That wasn’t the only surprise, she quickly found. She was alone in the elevator. It felt like some kind of trick. She picked up the bag and waited nervously, almost expecting a firing line to be pointed her direction when the door opened. Instead, there was no one. That was almost just as bad.

Read more... )

Aug. 3rd, 2013


new friends

Characters: Ru and Matt
Setting: Matt's new room

it's about to get interesting up in here )

Aug. 1st, 2013


Characters: Adam and OPEN
Setting: Kitchen, B Block, around noon

Adam took Wren's words to heart and forced himself out of his room. He hadn't changed. Or showered. Which was probably gross, but if he showered he had to put on Charlie's clothes and honestly he wasn't okay with that. It took a minute or two of wandering before he realized that the block had a kitchen now, which meant it really was cut off. It was hard to eat, but he knew he needed too. He hadn't in too long. His blood sugar was dropping, he could feel it, which meant he was choking down a glass of orange juice while he tried to find something real to eat that he knew he could stomach.

Jul. 31st, 2013


Meals and Wheels

Characters: Zach and Drea
Setting: Cafeteria, lunchtime

Zach had made his way to the library, finding another book to replace the one left in his old room, upset that it wasn’t Copperfield, but it was hefty enough as it was. He’d made himself lunch as well, settling into the cafeteria book next to him but not open. He was thinking about his new room, Kyle’s old room, and what it meant. Especially with it being Kyle. He was relieved that Ru was on this side of things at least. That made things easier.

I guess I should have left my training wheels on a bit longer. )

Jul. 29th, 2013


Barely Civil

Characters: Charlie and Adam
Setting: Adam's new room (Charlie's old room), block B, morning

Adam run the whole way to his new room. Through the tunnel underground and straight on to the new door. He was close to time, he knew that. Too long loitering with Kyle, but he wasn't just running because he was out of time. The tears were falling before he'd left Kyle's side, but running helped keep them mostly at bay. Just as planned, his braclet with the ID tag on it, the one Kyle had re-made for him, opened the door to the new room he'd been assigned. Once inside, he realized, belatedly, that it was someone else's. That it wasn't his, it wasn't empty. Which meant either someone had his things...or his things were gone.

Adam didn't make it any farther than just inside the door. Someone else's things were scattered about, not his shield, his sword, the painting or the dragon from Wren. The clothes in the drawers weren't his either, if there were any in the drawers. That guitar in the corner definitely wasn't his. And Adam had no idea if he'd get his things back. Ever. It was enough to send him over the edge, sobs shaking his frame until he found himself on the floor, back against the door, alternating between sobbing and hyperventilating. Everything was gone. Kyle was gone and not just because Adam had been informed that it was better for them that they took time apart. Wren's name had been on the other list too, which meant his other best friend was gone. Adam was stuck in a room that wasn't his, that didn't have his things and he'd never felt so alone in his life.

Not what he needed )


Strange Surroundings

Characters: Jonas and OPEN
Setting: A Block Courtyard, late morning

Once the room he'd been given again was in order, Jonas left his things, still packed, and headed to make himself aware of the rest of his surroundings. He'd been here a day already, but hadn't had a chance to leave his room yet, which meant it was all very new. He started with the courtyard, reviewing the change in the message there, not sure what to make of this place or that information. Meet new people. He supposed he counted as one of the new members, which perhaps meant there'd a flock of strangers interested in him. That was both thrilling and unsettling. He'd missed the days of being and up and coming big deal, but more recently and closer to his arrest, he'd preferred his privacy. He had his own secrets that were worth keeping. Ironic considering his line of work.

Jul. 28th, 2013


Helping Out Makes Things Easier For Everyone

Characters: Edan and Jason
Setting: Room 4, 8:30 am

Keeps The Mind Off Of Other Things )


A Step in the Right Direction

Characters: Hayden and Hunter
Setting: Just before 7:30am (and after)

While Hayden wasn’t always one to follow directions, he didn’t want to be kicked out of the program. He had no idea what that might mean for him, if they would put him back in prison, or if he’d ever have a chance to see his brother again. He headed on over to Block B, at first thinking that maybe Hunter had beaten him over. When he didn’t immediately see him, Hayden began to wait, watching the clock run down. As it got closer to 7:30am, he became antsy, shuffling from one foot to the other. What if Hunter wanted out of the program? He wouldn’t blame him, but it could mean never having a chance to fix things. With two minutes left on the clock, Hayden began to hold his breath.

Read more... )


Making Spaces Personal

Characters: Kyle and Zach
Setting: Their rooms, mid morning

and personal spaces )

Jul. 26th, 2013


Welcome Home

Characters: Drea and Wren
Setting: Courtyard, Block A, shortly after her arrival.

Drea blinked a little as she came out of the cafeteria into the courtyard and rubbed her wrists absently as she took in her new surroundings. The blindfold was bad enough, but had they really had to shackle her wrists? She bet most of the other inmates had at least gotten to walk in, not be pushed in like luggage. Still, it was better than the alternative. They'd made promises to her, that if she got through this, she'd be free, with a new life. She wondered if they'd let her do anything even close to being a cop again. Probably not, kiddo. It'll probably be some lame secretary job where they don't mind you sitting around all day.

Inhaling deeply, trying to enjoy what was at least an illusion of more freedom, she began looking around, to figure out where she was supposed to go. Room 6, her tag said. She saw the gym first and liked what she saw. It might be a little cramped, but she'd manage. She'd have to. Turning her chair one way, and then another, she figured out which direction the room numbers went. Unless the numbers were a complete mishegas, it shouldn't be too hard to figure things out. Turning her chair and adjusting her bag in her lap, she made her way around the edges, taking in the new surroundings. "Welcome home," she muttered to herself.


Just Need to Relax a Little

Who: Reggie and Open
Setting: Theater Room, Block B, Mid-Morning

After getting adjusted to his new living state (in a new block, no less), Reggie knew that he was too agitated to sit around in the room and possibly set it up how he'd like. Not that he knew how he'd be doing that, since he didn't have any of his bloody stuff. He really hoped that he'd be getting his clothes and things back. He couldn't walk around in what he'd been sleeping in last night forever, among other things. He was just glad that he'd actually chosen to sleep in a pair of pajama pants and a wife beater. He'd have looked ridiculous if he'd slept in his underwear or nothing at all.

While he wandered Block B, he quickly realized that there had been a new room added, and ended up looking around the theater room, of all things. Well, when he did get to see Jason again, they'd have to make use of this place. Much easier to use rather than simply trying to watch something on his computer (although that had not been without its own charm). It was something that put a smile on his face, though, which was a good thing. He'd been in an angry mood all morning from the rude wake up call on, so anything that helped to relax him was a good thing.

"Even a popcorn machine. Nice," he said as he looked around more. Seemed like they had been set up quite well again. He supposed now he understood a little more about why they'd been locked away in their rooms the day before.


Uncomfortably Weird

Characters: Cassandra and Jonas
Setting: Cassandra's old room, after 7:30am

Cassandra had been drug out of bed by the alarm, eyes looking for Hayden and Hunter once she was in the courtyard, but not sticking with them. They wanted space. Hunter was disgusted by her and she wasn't about to be sweet on Hayden in a way Hunter could see. There was something nice about seeing Hayden in just his underwear though and she made a mental note of that. She watched him talk to Ru, the woman from the party, but didn't interrupt. Being moved from one room to another seemed silly, but she complied, going to her new room and looking around it. Someone else had her old room and once she'd decided that she'd met the expectations of the authorities or whoever was running this thing, she headed back to her room. The nightie she was wearing was hardly warm enough for this weather and she was freezing by the time she knocked on the door, waiting on whoever had taken her space to let her in.
and strange )

Jul. 25th, 2013


Drifting Ends

Characters: Wren and Charlie
Setting: block B/room 43

soon )

Jul. 23rd, 2013


This Feels Like Goodbye

Characters: Kyle and Adam
Setting: Courtyard, just after 7am

Kyle was one of the first out of his room and into the courtyard when the alarm sounded. Swearing loudly, and dressed in cotton pants and a white t-shirt, he wasn't certain whether he should be rubbing the sleep from his eyes, or covering his ears. He hardly even realised that the door had unlocked before he was standing out in the dawn light and his bedroom door had closed and locked behind him.

Once he caught onto all those facts, he hesitated for a moment and looked around at the other people doing the same. That was when he saw the screen and walked towards it. He didn't need more surprises today. Yesterday had been one huge ball of shit. Today he looked like a mess: his hair was all over the place, he hadn't shaved, his eyes were red from hours of crying and he had the worst headache. Now what?
and we're bad at goodbyes )

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