January 2011




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Jan. 8th, 2011


New Project!


I started a new project... don't put together the mob yet, I know I need to get to work on more layouts. I'm working on it, promise. But, in the meantime, y'all should check out USP. If you're a fanfic reader or writer, I think you'll really enjoy it.

Right now we're doing pdf and epub files (can request others). Each ebook comes with coverart, metadata (Title, Author, Editor(Beta), Illustrator(Cover Artiste), and a workable table of contents. I want to get the author of the fics permission before I convert anything just to make sure I'm not stepping on any toes. So whether you're a reader or a writer, please check us out. Recommend a story you'd like to see converted or give us permission to convert one of your stories!

the still alive
spork : )

Aug. 16th, 2010



So, as some of y'all may have noticed... I tend to up and disappear. However, I always come back. I start projects, then get involved in something else and start a new project before I finish the last one. Good thing about this disappearances is that when I come back I'm all vamped up again and the muse has had a nice jolt - hence the new layout. There is still some minor tweaks to be done, and I got inspired by veletb0x over at LJ. I mishmashed a lot of their ideas together then made it all bloggish equivalent. I love flexible squares, don't get me wrong... but here on IJ you gotta work with whatcha got, which is bloggish. And IJ's limitations is the whole reason I started this shabang. :)

New stuff... coming soon!

Apr. 15th, 2010


!hello lovelies

I'm shocked, really shocked. 81 members y'all. This is amazing to me. Thank you so so so so (I could go on for a while) much. It's nice to know that when its 2am and you're yelling at the computer because this stupid piece of a table isn't showing up right, that others appreciate/benefit from the crazyness.

I just wanted to say again, thanks to all, and I hope you've been enjoying what's been up here. I'm not doing requests at the moment (since they take a good bit of time) while I'm trying to get a variety of stuff up. But I will be taking them in the future.

Also, anyone would would like to post their own layouts/tables/work/etc here... shoot me an email.

later lovers,

Jun. 25th, 2009


!requests & other nonsense

Before we begin... GEAUX TIGERS, WOOT WOOT!! LSU - my homestead and hateful venture aka college - won the College World Series tonight! I'm not normally a sports fan but the game was great and well school spirit represent, LOL! XD

Anyways folks, I have a few things done that I just need to add but finding the time to do so has been well, eh. But I wanted to say that I've been taking a few requests lately (yay!) and love the feed back. So....
  • what  would y'all like to see on here?
  • what types or styles of layouts do y'all wish this place had?
If have an idea or a request shoot me an email at sporkingly@gmail.com

Finally, I wanted to say thanks to [info]rp_tutorials for giving me a shout out the other day. They are a hardcore place with loads more stuff than I have now. Not only do they have layouts but tons of other info and cool things about rpg as well. A must see if you haven't already checked them out.


May. 28th, 2009



oh hai! It's nice to see that y'all have stumbled upon this little niche of the internet. So we've all been there: you see an awesome looking rp and go to check out further but their premise page or character list looks like... uh, well, crap. You quickly hit the back button and another comm bites the dust. Beggars can't be choosers and writing genisus aren't always tech literate. That's were this ball-of-wonderfulness comes in.

A few months ago I broadened my hp geekdom by adding rpg-er to my never ending list of talents which opened up the world of ij to me. Then I discovered that I had as much fun making layouts as I did playing. I've been messing with html/css for years and last night I had the itch to start this place that was too good to pass up. So kick back, relax, enjoy... just please give a girl some cred, will ya?
