July 27th, 2011

[info]ita_iconmaker in [info]rpg_icons_ita

James Mc Avoy "Xmen First Class" (280)

Per favore, se ne prendete, commentate qua e lasciate un credit nelle vostre userinfo o nello spazio comment delle icone con questa dicitura: icon by: < lj user= "rpg_icons_ita" > o icon by: < lj user= "strangejuliet" >(senza spazi tra le < > naturalmente)


Here is Jared with his real hair, various lenght.
Please, if you take, comment here and credit in your userinfo or in the comment space of your icons, with the text: icon by: < lj user= "rpg_icons_ita" > or icon by: < lj user= "strangejuliet" > (withouth spaces between the < > of course ^^)

A new species is being born. Help me guide it, shape it, lead it.  )