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Apr. 17th, 2016


New Dublin

New Dublin is a harbor city that has been plagued by gang war for much of the past ten years. Five main groups rose up, each started for different reasons and each have evolved from a few people into much larger entities which control much of the cities nightlife.

Many groups grow fast and die out equally as fast, but the smart ones stick around longer. Each gang has different reasons for being; some for profit, some for security, while others act as guardians for their territory there are some who act as thieves. The tensions between the gangs are harsh and one member caught in another’s territory without a pass is met with severe punishment.

There are smaller gangs but the main five control the greater area of the city. These five came together three years back and created something of a treaty. They all agreed that the wars had come to the loss of to many lives and thus some sort of peace was needed.

In a city where an unsteady treaty is the only thing that binds the gangs in peace, who do you pledge loyalty to? Or are you one of the brave who stands the middle line? Where tech is big, crime is high and brotherhood is more important than blood, where do you call home in New Dublin?

The game is currently in PREJOIN. Looking to open in May. (That or if we get 5 players or 10 characters)

Game Info | Q&A

People | Place

Holds | Wanted | Apply | Mod Dropbox

[info]newdublinrp | [info]newdublinnet | [info]newdublinooc


Sep. 9th, 2014


Fade Away: A Post Apocalyptic Storyline

Game: Fade Away
Fandom: N/A
Location: Insanejournal
Link to Game: Main Journal
Opening/Opened: September 19th, 2014
Time Setting: Future
Age Limit: Players 18 and over
Restrictions: No canon characters allowed, all other information can be found within the journal

Enter Fade Away )

Mar. 9th, 2014


Game: Camp Demigod
Fandom: Percy Jackson & the Olympians/Heroes of Olympus
Location: Insanejournal
Link to Game: [info]campdemigod
Opening/Opened: Opens 3/12/14
Time Setting: Post-Blood of Olympus
Contact: Mod Drop Box
Age Limit: Open!
Restrictions: At this time, we are not accepting OCs! But this may change as the community grows.

Ad Under the Cut )

Jun. 27th, 2012


The Genome Project

Game: The Genome Project
Fandom: Original super powers
Location: Insanejournal
Link to Game: site map
Opening/Opened: Opened January 2010
Time Setting: Future
Contact: [info]mitochondrion
Age Limit: Must be 17 or older to join
Restrictions: Only OC

Ad! )

Oct. 19th, 2011


Pandemic a post apocalyptic game of survival

Game: Pandemic
Fandom: N/A Original Characters Only
Location: Insanejournal
Opening: At 10 players
Time Setting: Current Month 2013
Contact: Dropbox
Restrictions: Original Characters Only, Appropriate PBs
Age Limit: 17+

Pandemic )

Aug. 19th, 2011


The Violet Hour - A Post-Apocalyptic OC RPG

Game: The Violet Hour
Fandom: Original Only
Location: Insanejournal
Link to Game: Information
Opening/Opened: August 6th, 2011
Time Setting: Future
Contact: Information
Age Limit: 17+ please
Restrictions: Only OC, Celeb PB's, no one-liners

Our Ad )

Jun. 10th, 2011


The Secret's Out RPG (Harry Potter)

Game: The Secret's Out RPG
Fandom: Harry Potter
Location: insanejournal
Link to Game: rpg comm
Opening/Opened: June 24, 2011
Time Setting: NextGen
Contact: mod journal or
Age Limit: 18+
Restrictions: None. We are an open group of writers. There are adult material to be posted as well as being slash and femmeslash friendly.

More Information on The Secret's Out RPG )

May. 17th, 2011


Game: Rippled Time
Fandom: Harry Potter
Location: Insane Journal
Link to Game: Mod Journal
Opening/Opened: May 20th, 2011
Time Setting: Future
Contact: Dropbox/
Age Limit: Open
Restrictions: None

Ad )

May. 12th, 2011


Ganymede Academy (OC Mecha RPG)

Game: Ganymede Academy
Fandom: Mecha (General)
Location: Insanejournal
Link to Game: Link/Link
Opened: April 24, 2011
Time Setting: Future (2211)
Contact: ganymederpg
Age Limit: 18+
Restrictions: Only OCs.

Do you dream of traveling the stars? Giant robots? Epic battles? )

May. 10th, 2011



Game: Resumption
Fandom: Harry Potter
Location: insanejournal
Link to Game: rpg comm
Opening/Opened: May 26, 2011
Time Setting: Surreal - everyone from medieval to nextgen is accepted
Contact: mod journal or
Age Limit: 18+
Restrictions: None. We are an open group of writers. If you are squicked by something that is written, please merely avoid the posts. There are adult material to be posted as well as being slash and femmeslash friendly.

More on RESUMPTION: a life interrupted to begin again )

Feb. 15th, 2011


Game: Nocte Silente
Fandom: Harry Potter
Location: insanejournal
Link to Game: Info
Opening/Opened: Thursday February 17th (2011)
Time Setting: Post-Hogwarts, set in 2007
Contact: [info]omertamods
Age Limit: Over 17 only, please
Restrictions: no slash/gay characters

more info/ad )

Jan. 9th, 2011


Game: The Genome Project
Fandom: original superpowers
Location: insanejournal
Link to Game: game navigation
Opening/Opened: Opened January 2010, is about to hit its one year anniversary
Time Setting: real time, but future year (2031)
Contact: [info]mitochondrion or
Age Limit: 18+
Restrictions: OC only, slash/femmeslash friendly

Ad! )

Sep. 8th, 2010


The Orion Legacy

Game: The Orion Legacy
Fandom: N/A
Location: LiveJournal
Link to Game: The Orion Legacy [info]orionlegacy
Opening/Opened: Open and active as of June 26, 2010.
Time Setting: Future (post-apocalyptic/cyberpunk)
Contact: Here
Age Limit: Open
Restrictions: None


Sep. 6th, 2010


Game: Mischief Managed
Fandom: Harry Potter - Next Generation
Location: Insanejournal
Link to Game: [info]mischief_mod
Opening/Opened: September 22nd
Time Setting: Future (year: 2023)
Age Limit: Age of consent in your state/country
Restrictions: None, really.


Aug. 30th, 2010


Game: Aria Station
Fandom: sci-fi, pan-fandom
Location: Insane Journal
Link to Game: [info]ariastation
Opening/Opened: tba
Time Setting: Future
Contact: here
Age Limit: open
Restrictions: none

ad under here )

Jul. 14th, 2010


SERENUS; an OC rpg

Game: Serenus the Floating City
Fandom: Original Characters ONLY.
Location: insanejournal
Link to Game: [info]serenusmod
Opening/Opened: Shooting for August 1, 2010
Time Setting: Far future - the year is 2112
Age Limit: 18+ only
Restrictions: OC only.

PREMISE behind CUT )

Jul. 10th, 2010


Game: The Colony
Location: [info]the_colony
Link to Game: [info]colony_mods
Opening/Opened: 4 Dec 09
Time Setting: Alternate Timeline; pandemic post-apocalyptic
Contact: [info]colony_mods
Age Limit: 18+
Restrictions: Original Characters

One in every 500 survive )

Jun. 15th, 2010


Game: Progeny
Fandom: Marvel Next Generation
Location: Insanejournal
Link to Game: [info]progeny_mod
Opening/Opened: May 31, 2010
Time Setting: Future
Contact: nimbuschick @ gmail . com
Age Limit: NC-17
Restrictions: Students only from list of premades.

Jun. 2nd, 2010


Road Less Traveled ; a Supernatural RPG

Game: Road Less Traveled ([info]_rlt_)
Fandom: Supernatural
Location: InsaneJournal
Link to Game: [info]_rlt_ via [info]rltmods
Opening/Opened: June 8th opening day!
Time Setting: Future, but also surreal. Canon through 5x22 (Swan Song), takes place in 2013.
Contact: Abby and Chrissy at, or nycradiochick (Abby's AIM), or bad disco stick (Chrissy's AIM)
Age Limit: We prefer all players to be 18 or older, but will take into consideration younger players on a case-by-case basis.
Restrictions: None!

Dec. 24th, 2009


Project Chronos

Game: Project Chronos
Fandom: N/A
Location: insanejournal
Link to Game: Premise
Opening/Opened: Opening 25th Dec 2009
Time Setting: present dystopia, time travel
Contact: [info]projectchronos
Age Limit: Open
Restrictions: No fandom characters

Read more... )

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