Dec. 30th, 2013


Children of Eden

Game: Children of Eden
Fandom: Multi-fandom
Location: Insanejournal
Link to Game: [Bad username: childofeden_rp> <lj user=]
Opening/Opened: September 29th 2013
Time Setting: Current
Contact: [info]childofedenmod
Age Limit: NC-17
Restrictions: We are pretty open if you can adapt a character to the world setting.

A Multi Fandom Master/Slave Game )

Feb. 10th, 2012


Game: Reality Crash
Fandom: Pan/multifandom
Location: Insanejournal
Link to Game: HERE
Opening/Opened: Opened)
Time Setting: current
Contact: Mod drop box (comments are screened)
Age Limit: 18+ only
Restrictions: Fandom characters only

Most Wanted
The Vampire Diaries characters (excluding Elena, Jeremy, Stefan and Anna)
X-Men: First Class characters, especially Hank(excluding Charles, Erik, Alex, Sean and Raven)
Smallville characters (excluding Lois Lane and Oliver Queen)

Oct. 5th, 2011



Game: Inspired
Fandom: Pan-Fandom
Location: Insanejournal
Link to Game: The mod journal is at [info]inspiredmod
Opening/Opened: October 1, 2011
Time Setting: Current
Contact: Via the Mod Journal ([info]inspiredmod) or via email -
Age Limit: 18+
Restrictions: N/A - Original and Fandom characters welcome!

Inspired )

Dec. 15th, 2008


The Revival of English Magic: A Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell RPG

Game: The Revival of English Magic
Fandom: Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell
Location: Insanejournal
Link to Game: The Revival of English Magic
Opening/Opened: December 27th
Time Setting: Alternate 19th-century Britain (1817), just after the Napoleonic Wars
Age Limit: Open
Restrictions: N/A
More Information )