Real Person Fiction

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Real Person Fiction

This community is for fiction (het, slash, and gen) based on actual actors, musicians, athletes, politicians, and other public figures. This is not the place to debate the ethics of writing fiction about real people.

All of the stories posted in this community are entirely ficticious, and are in no way meant to imply actual facts about the people portrayed.


April 2nd, 2008

FIC: Touching, Chapter 12 (SB/VM), NC-17

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***Sorry the previous chapter links are still to LJ; I haven't migrated older stuff over!

Title: Touching, Chapter 12
Pairing: SB/VM
Author: [info]shrinetolust
Rated: NC-17
Story: The insanity continues. Sean endures Hobbit torture, and unexpectedly discovers a new way to push Viggo's buttons--in a fun way. :)
Disclaimer: Don't know these lovely men, don't know what they get up to in their free time. This is all part of my overactive imagination, done with love and respect, and no harm or offense is intended. It's FICTION!!
Feedback: Yes, please. The boys were stubborn this time around. Hope it all still works! ~ Leave a note here or mail me at shrinetolust AT
Crossposted: LJ comms: rugbytackle, sons_of_gondor, more_than_mates, bean_uncensored, fellow-shippers. I am a feedback whore.
Archive: My own LJ. Green Opals, Rugbytackling. Others, please ask.
Notes: Heavily edited as always but un-beta-ed. Please point out any glaring errors so I'm not embarrassed for too long!


**BIG SQUISHY THANK YOUs to *loyaldreamer for my icon...*mwah!*

**Touching: (Chapter 1) (Chapter 2) (Chapter 3) (Chapter 4) (Chapter 5) (Chapter 6) (Chapter 7) (Chapter 8) (Chapter 9) (Chapter 10) (Chapter 11)

Yes, I know, it's been ages! You might want to read Chapter 11 for a refresher!

**CLICK HERE for Touching: Chapter 12**

March 22nd, 2008

SIVA - Fic repost - Elijah Wood / Viggo Mortensen, rated XXX

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Author: [info]anatsuno

Fandom/Pairing: LotRiPS, Elijah Wood / Viggo Mortensen

Rating: Adult (or XXX), for graphic sex - this is pretty much all porn.

Disclaimer: This is entirely a work of fiction and I don't mean to infer anything by it regarding the real people mentioned therein. If any one honestly believes I am privy to these people's private lives, they need a reality check, not me. :)

Title: Siva.

I am posting this link today as part of this meme. Feel free to spread the word... Viva IJ.

Hope you like it! :-)

February 14th, 2008

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documents that don't exist. RPF, 2,400 words. PG-13. "Documents that don't exist, in a history that hasn't happened, with some people who are real, and a great many more who are not. Phone numbers, email addresses, and postal addresses are all imaginary."

August 30th, 2007

FIC: Sometimes a Cigar Is.... (SGA RPS, Joe/David, NC-17)

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Sometimes a Cigar Is....
Author: [info]telesilla
Fandom/Pairing: SGA RPS, Joe/David
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 536
Disclaimer: Not RL; didn't happen. If you think this has anything to do with the real actors involved, then you need to put down the crack pipe.
Summary: Joe, David and a cigar.

Notes: Based on this picture of Joe that was posted in Mallozzi's blog. This was orignally written as comment fic in [info]sheafrotherdon's LJ.

"Flanigan smoking repulsive stogie; don't get what people see in him."

August 20th, 2007

FIC: Maybe This Is Why I've Lost My Mind (Lotrips AU, Viggo/Bean, NC-17)

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Maybe This Is Why I've Lost My Mind
Author: [info]padawanhilary & [info]telesilla
Fandom/Pairing: Lotrips (AU), Viggo/Bean
Series: No Ordinary Life
Rating: NC-17, two minors having sex
Word Count: 3,100
Disclaimer: Not RL; didn't happen. If you think this has anything to do with the real actors involved, then you need to put down the crack pipe.
Summary: Sean has some pretty serious news and Viggo needs to say something.

Notes: I thought long and hard about posting this on LJ and I thought about posting it here on IJ only. As it stands, LJ does not have a policy in place for textual works involving underaged characters--underaged is defined as under 18 years of age in LJ's physical location of California--but the lack of policy has not stopped them from banning users for violations. I decided to post it, but I'd like you all to think about something as you read it. If this were illustrated, the artist could be facing a strike against her by LJ. As you enjoy the fic think about the fact that LJ has condemned artworks as innocent as this and called them child porn. According to that standard, we could be called child pornographers.

After this piece, there will be one more piece: an epilogue. The rest of the series can be found at the link listed above. Enoy!. The title is a line from the Delerium song "Magic" (feat Julee Cruise).The rest of the series can be found at the link listed above. Enoy!. The title is a line from the Delerium song "Magic" (feat Julee Cruise).

"I did it," Sean mutters a little morosely.">

August 10th, 2007

Lotrips Remix 2007

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If you've ever read a story and thought: "If I were telling it, I would do it differently", or even "I wonder what that other character was thinking?", then this challenge is for you. Just like musical remixes, this project aims to show how differences in vision and style can cast light on stories in a whole new way.

The Lotrips Remix first ran in 2003. You can check out the results of previous years at the Remix site; if you haven't witnessed a remix before, please do so. It'll help you get a feel of the scope and range allowed. We encourage authors to get as creative as they like, within the boundaries of the project.

The deadline for signing up is August 15 (11:55 pm, pacific time) so please read the rules, and read the very helpful post by cupidsbow on the process of remixing -- that should give everyone confidence that they can discover a new take on an old story, then sign up!

Looking forward to lots of new participants!

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