RP Tutorials

February 2023



October 26th, 2011



Well, crap...

Has anyone else noticed that LJ Login has stopped working on Livejournal? It still works on the other journaling sites, but not LJ. Maybe it's just me? I don't know.

I'm going to try to fix it. Wish me luck. /o\

ETA: Seems the more pertinent issue is that your personal information might be compromised because of the new Livejournal release. Check out the comments on the release post and spread the word.



dressing rooms

one of the reasons i prefer lj to ij when it comes to rp is that there are more open, freeform, appless rp communities on livejournal. games are great, but sometimes i want to voice-test a character before i app them, or i just feel like playing someone occasionally and not committing to a game. also i just really like the cracky nature of panfandom freeform rp. i don't think there are any open rp comms on ij -- at least, not any that are active. my questions today:

1. am i missing an active, open, freeform rp comm on ij? i know there's two versions of sws and a couple dressing rooms, but none of them have had a post in over a year.
2. would anyone be interested in starting one? or reviving one of the already-extant comms?
3. what ways might you suggest advertising such a comm? i think affiliating with high-traffic rp resources communities would be a good way, aside from occasional advertising on the usual communities, but i dunno. it seems like the way dressing rooms tend to stay active is just having interested people to begin with.

[No Subject]

I'm in pursuit to find a good manip requesting comm. I feel like alot of the ones around are dead.

I'm looking for a manip of bethany joy galeotti and ryan gosling, anyone know of any lying around or can make one?