November 2015




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May. 27th, 2015


Ronan X

[From the hotel lobby.]


May. 5th, 2015


Call: Ben S

[Ring. Jedi Rocks starts blaring from Ben's pocket at maximum volume.]

Apr. 30th, 2015


Public; Ezra B



Yeah. You.

You totally want some Chinese food. You also want to tip the delivery girl VERY WELL.* Lobby delivery available until 4am. You probably shouldn't get anything with broccoli in it. You really don't want to know why, but this is LIFE. SAVING. INFO. For real. BELIEVE THAT!

Mention #RIPPerrito and get 61.9% off - TOO SOON! half off. You have to say 'Hashtag' or 'Pound Sign'. He would have appreciated it. And then spit beer in your face.

* - This is NOT hypnosis. She** needs rent money.
** - She =/= Me.***
*** - Maybe?

[Ezra B]

Why in the fucking fuckity fuckfuck omgggggg is DELIRIOUS emailing me about you not replying to him?!

Apr. 12th, 2015


Ronan X

Did you talk to her?

Mar. 29th, 2015


Flash T, Marta F + Seven M, "Poughkeepsie"

[All from Hels.]

[Flash T]

Hey cowboy.

[Marta F & Seven M]

Monthly check in. How's Bean? Are we up to a Kiwi now? A small Ted E. Bear?

["Poughkeepsie" (Ronan X Anon)]

Confirmation on two out of four.

Mar. 28th, 2015



[Just a first name lock, because he didn't ask if Elya knew her last name.]

So, hi. You don't know me, but I'm definitely not a serial killer. Which, I know what you're thinking, but a serial killer who was pretending not to be a serial killer would definitely be way more smooth than that.

Mar. 19th, 2015


Ronan X

[Text to Ronan X]

I miss having them here.

Mar. 17th, 2015


Ronan X, public

[(Surprisingly enough) Text to Ronan X]

Take a break. Come with me while I get extensions. I need to

[Public, note to self left open]

Anatomy: Human Anatomy - Fall - (get pencils)
Biological Basis of Behavior - Summer (rip out all hair)
Child and Adolescent Development - Fall
History of Medicine - Fall - (Western? Eastern? Both?)
Physiology: Medical Physiology - Fall
Preclinical Clerkship- Summer (да ! GP/office setting)

Mar. 10th, 2015


Ronan X/Jules B

[Ronan X]


As you may remember, it is rare for me to show my face above ground. The warrens are far more comfortable for my kind. It is time for me to rise.

Some of us have spiders, some have little birds... Me? I have my fireflies. They've informed me of the false Prince that has recently taken power. The strength of the Camarilla depends on strength of our leadership.

We must get him before he gets us. A rattlesnake's skin is the same color as the leaves. The world is an evil place, and the false Prince intends to keep it that way.

I have no followers. I have only brothers and sisters, all in the name of cause. Kindred are sheep, you understand me. They can't lead themselves, they need to be led. Kindred buy and sell fear. They worship war, they crave war, but I'm not afraid of their wars.

The world is deteriorating between their toes and they do nothing about it. They only stand there. They whisper and wonder but they never do anything about it. I've seen it all in my dreams and in my thoughts and above everything else I understand that this is not a beginning; it's the end.

They chose you, long before you were ever in existence. I can help you be our savior.

Look to the Sky,
-Sister Abigail

((omg lol did you see that crap he posted? Bryan is such a tool. If he wasn't dating Christy, there is no way he could have become prince. I think it's time to knock that idiot down a notch. Or ten. I know it's petty, but I want to destroy him. Does that make me a bad person? I'm not taking that "costuming is everything" comment too seriously, am I? ~Ana))

Mar. 5th, 2015


Public to all.


No. Vita Eiga Beina. This smíð mikill. Big. Will someone come? I tíða know. Help me?

Mar. 3rd, 2015


Public; Ezra B


Hello. I want to play a game.

I've recently come into possession of a dream interpretation book by completely legal and totally legit means. Help a girl out. Tell me your dreams, and I'll tell you what they mean.

[Ezra B] )

Feb. 28th, 2015



Ah the East End smells of wet garbage instead of Axe.

[Bruce W]

Can I go to Marvel this weekend?


Posted accidentally


Feb. 21st, 2015


Valentine's anon, Ronan X, Marta F

[Locked to Matryoshka Doll anon]

See? You did fine.

[Locked to Ronan X]

So, did you make a wish?

[Locked to Marta F, after much back and forth]


Feb. 20th, 2015


Log: Ben S & Ronan X

Who: Ronan X & Ben S
What: Obnoxious boyfriends/A magical Narnia date
Where: The former House of Strays ie. Ben's house
When: February 14
Warnings/Rating: Sex

The warmth of the sun on their skin was there, beating down strong like they were both wearing thin cotton shirts instead of the suits and jackets. )

Feb. 14th, 2015


Wish for Ronan X

[Per Ronan's request here, a door appears magically for the painting that Ronan describes there. The stipulations are all granted, thanks to the magic of the hotel. Beside the painting, there's a small note left by the wish grantor:

-Your wish wasn't at all selfish. Rather, it was beautiful. I liked that. I wish you both happiness. Continue to live with no regrets and enjoy each other. ]

Feb. 10th, 2015


Ronan/Kite anon

[...] Hey?


Text to Ronan X

Did you get a wish too?

Feb. 2nd, 2015


Ronan X

[Reluctantly, so very reluctantly...]


Jan. 13th, 2015


Ronan X, Sam A, Public

[Ronan X]

Are you done with the honeymoon phase yet?

[Sam A, aka that girl she talked to that one time]

If you could go to any of these doors and live there, where would you go?


[A few sketches of this.]

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