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Sep. 5th, 2014


[Telepathic link: Marvel.] (Closed to new connections.)

[Marvel. Preston isn't searching, but he is nearly up from a formless dream that was, surprisingly enough, rather innocently pleasant. One is left with... something like tangible clouds of cotton candy in the mind. Sweet, obscuring, blank.

It's strongest nearest Stark Tower.]

[ETA: Closed.]

Sep. 6th, 2014



[As Annabeth M]

Any other mutants out there?

Sep. 5th, 2014



[As Peter P.]

Dear Online Diary,

This morning Aunt May made pancakes. Which... she makes every morning, but hey, I'm not complaining. Definitely could pass on the bacon (I love her to death, but she burns it every time). Am considering getting a dog to feed it to. Made it to class on time, woo hoo! Jimmy Jones came thisclose to breaking a super expensive piece of lab equipment. Highlight of my day. Sold another picture. My boss still thinks we're in the 60s, I'm starting to get worried.

And I might have somehow ended up in a parallel universe. World. Thing. Maybe? Time vortex? Or I just hit my head really hard

Haha, okay, now let's get serious. Is this some kind of social networking thing? A new app? MJ, did you mess with my phone? That's the last time I trust you with any of my passwords.

Sep. 4th, 2014


Quicklog: Isobel H/Raven D

[Raven hadn't been kidding when she'd mentioned how incredibly bogus this place was, and how very different it was from the New York she remembered. People looked different, dressed different - even talked different now. And they seemed to walk around with tiny devices almost attached to their ears, which she eventually figured out were phones. Tiny phones that were still beyond her total comprehension just yet.

After realizing how "dated" she appeared, she had copied a dress from a mannequin she saw in a store window, and after that she'd seemed to blend a little better. At the moment, she stood near the main entrance of Grand Central station, scanning the crowd for a redhead wearing red polka dots.]


public anon

[Public, as anonymous]

What doors are there besides Marvel and DC? I'm looking for a safer location.



[Posted anonymously, but the handwriting may look familiar to certain people.]

So actual time travel. That exists?


public, dick g, jason t


Anyone else want to sleep for a week?

[Lock to Dick Grayson]

You and me, once clean up or whatever is done. Either a drink or coffee depending on when it is.

[Lock to Jason Todd]

So I'm going to go on a limb here and say you're not the exact Jason I know, or something of that sort?

Sep. 3rd, 2014



That was definitely the quickest trip ever from Hawaii to New York. The logical part of my brain wants to know how, but everything else doesn't want to know. This shouldn't be possible.

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