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Oct. 13th, 2014


[public, Becky L]

[As Jonathan K]

At first, this place was rather novel. Exciting, even.

Now? I'm quite bored. And the daily struggle is getting quite old.

[Locked to Becky L]


Oct. 6th, 2014


dream: eddie/crane

[Dreaming didn't quite work the way it used to for Eddie Nigma. His mind was a maze that was now open for all sorts of spirits to try and navigate. Some nights he had dreams where he was sitting behind his old gumshoe desk waiting for ghost after ghost to whine about some messed up way they died. He used to investigate murders and crime scenes. Now it was all about putting the spirits to rest or simply listening to them complain. In the Fairy Tale door they were almost exclusively witches, warlocks and the occasional martyr king. They'd ask: You understand, don't you? He used to be a thief, a cheat. And, sure he did understand. He sometimes even had sympathy to share depending on how they managed to piss off a certain knight in shining armor. Most of the time? He told them to take a number.

Tonight he was sitting behind his desk with his feet up as the blinds shined dusty slivers of light down on him. He was in Riddler green with that silly bowler hat and his purple gloved hands behind his head as he tried his very hardest to balance a pencil on the tip of his nose. The clown held the record at two minutes because he could do it with his eyes closed. Eddie always went crosseyed a minute or so in. His secretary (who was Stephanie back when she had short hair for some reason) said there was a new client waiting for him and Eddie shouted to let the man in. Eddie tilted his head back and went back to balancing the pencil. Murmured:] So, how did you die? [Eddie asked because it was always a fun little opener.]

Oct. 2nd, 2014


[Eddie N]

[Locked to Eddie N]
(Still as Jonathan K)

[There is no text, simply several drawings of the various creatures on the island he's encountered. The sketches are hardly works of art, but there's no mistaking the dinosaurs for being anything but that.]

Sep. 24th, 2014


Who: Jonathan Crane & Becky Lyons
What: A meeting in a dream
Where: Dreamland
When: Recently
Warnings/Rating: TBD

He wasn't the same as he once was. )

Sep. 22nd, 2014



[As Jonathan K]
[Someone's using their mama's name.]

Favourite door that you've visited?

Sep. 17th, 2014


siren likes her new friends

[public as Siren]

So lovely having company down here. The things they have accomplished in death were more than they ever could manage in life.

Sep. 16th, 2014




Dear Gothamites and DC door people, stop me if this sounds inappropriate, but considering victory of some kind was achieved, who would be interested in getting a drink?

Also I'm Donna Troy for people who haven't met me yet.



[Public, as Remus Lupin]

So say someone was curious about going to another door. Any suggestions?



[After several unsuccessful attempts to go back to sleep, Bobby procrastinates with ye olde journal:]

I'm bored. Anyone want to play a game? It's called Noneya. Basically, you go back and forth asking questions, and you lose only when you won't answer one. Winner gets I don't know what.

Ready and go.

Aug. 11th, 2014


Comm: Crane/Batman

[Crane took the comm device from her, and it gave a little crackle as it came to life in his own ear, active and ready.]

A walk? Are you sure you're up for such a thing, my dear?

Aug. 8th, 2014



Didn't intend for the seizures. Unexpected side-effect. I much prefer the one where it's quiet and calm and no one knows there's something wrong.

Nevertheless, it's interesting, isn't it?

Aug. 6th, 2014


Narrative: Crane in Marvel

Who: Jonathan Crane
What: Preparing for the fun
Where: Marvel - NYC
When: Early in the week
Warnings/Rating: None

In the years that Jonathan Crane had known Becky, he had discovered a number of things. )

Jul. 28th, 2014


Phone call: Becky L

[Phone call to Becky L]


Jul. 5th, 2014


[ public ]

How many.

Jun. 26th, 2014



Doesn't time just fly when you have someone to spend it with? Five years would have felt like an eternity if I'd been alone.

Guess I'm just lucky. [A scribbled smiley face.]

Jun. 25th, 2014



I think I've found something incredible. Skateboarding. I need to learn how to do it.

Jun. 24th, 2014



[Posted Anonymously]

So. How many others have experienced a time jump here?

Jun. 23rd, 2014


Gotham City: Crane & Becky

Who: Jonathan Crane & Becky Lyons
What: A five year jump
Where: Gotham City
When: This week!
Warnings/Rating: Nothing to speak of.

Something quite out of the ordinary happened. )

Jun. 21st, 2014



I'm trying to remember why I stayed in Gotham City for so long. It certainly wasn't the atmosphere.

May. 27th, 2014


Eddie N

[Locked to Eddie N]

It's been some time.

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