November 2015




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Sep. 7th, 2015



[Bruce W.]
[Delivered to Bruce after a particularly boring board meeting. A super cool toy.]


A seance is a good idea for a date, right?

[Donna C.]

I need help with something necromancy related. Won't you accompany me to Halloween Town?


You know, DC Comics don't sell in this Marvel Universe. No love for grit and darkness, it seems.

Sep. 4th, 2015



[It comes shortly after 2am. She's exhausted and super-excited, so who needs locks?]

MIKEY! I got the last four bowcasters! And the stormtrooper guns! You will never see the nerf darts coming! Winner gets Furbacca. PREPARE FOR ORDER 66.

Aug. 30th, 2015



[A few days after this promotion. About a third of the cans go missing. Eddie is nowhere to be found, yet there's no riddle (he's very proud of himself for that). A mystery!]

Aug. 28th, 2015



[Posted to the Enigma & Graves comic book shop Twitter feed.

A picture of someone's open cabinet, boxes and cans visible.

2 for 5 weekend! Bring in 2 non-perish food items, get 5% off. Help our local food pantry!

The same photo shows up surrounded by hand-drawn borders on a few xerox-copied posters (on neon green paper) in the small shops and restaurants near the comic book shop in Marvel's East Village.

2 for 5!

This weekend (August 29 & 30), bring in 2 (or more!) non-perishable food items to Enigma and Graves Comic Shop and get 5% off your total purchase price!

Enigma and Graves
[Shop Address]
[Shop Phone Number]
tweet: [twitter @]

All donations to go to our local food pantry.

Aug. 27th, 2015



Desire at the end

            was a malady, a madness? __ or. both.

Aug. 19th, 2015



[Private to Muerte]
[The journal tweaks out for a second. Going from Death to Emily to Muerte again.]

Sorry- shouldn't have asked you to come here. Wasn't thinking clearly. Meet me in the hotel soon?

[Private to Donna C.]

I need you to do me a favor. How squeamish are you?

[Gotham Update]

[The Iceberg Lounge goes dark for the night. Bright blue neon signs flicker off and anyone who tries to come close gets a feeling like something awful is watching them. By the end of the night, the Lounge seems to vanish off the map. In its place is a run down souvenirs shop that looks like it has been closed since the early 40's.]


death, selina k., helena w.

[After this, back at the Manor.]

[locked to emily g.]

[He considers 'Death', but decides to use what came up last time.] Hello.

[locked to selina k.]

[Oblivious to Marvel happenings.] Was it worth it?

[locked to helena w.]

[Stubbornly ignoring the 'do not contact me' thing.] How are you feeling?

Aug. 10th, 2015


eddie/muerte date

Who: Eddie, Muerte
Where: Ocean's Eleven
When: backdated a little bit!
What: meeting, patching things up, being cute
Warnings: none!

The next compliment helped to distract her, more sincere than the carnival charm, though both made her blush. )

Jul. 29th, 2015


Nigma and Graves: A barrel full of monkeys

[It isn't so much a delivery as a thing that appears one afternoon, hanging from the ceiling (via a string of paperclips and tape) in the kitchen of Nigma and Graves. A piece of cardboard has been stapled to within an inch of it's life into a barrel shape and hanging, via paper clips, are people made of what looks to be scrap paper and colored pen. There's a person-monkey for everyone that works at the shop: Eddie (green nerd), Emily (black and white goth chick), Donna (cute geeky chick) and one for himself (serious business scary tall man). Someone's feeling comfortable enough to be a little playful.]

Jul. 23rd, 2015



[During this.]

[Locked to "Em"]
Feel like talking about it?

Jul. 19th, 2015



[The being formerly known as Death]

I flirted.

Jul. 15th, 2015




If you happen to be a fan of comic books and you need a decent paying part time job, I've still got some positions open at the shop. We open next week. Drop me a line.

[Selina K.]


Jul. 14th, 2015


[Bruce W]

[A few days after this. She finally gets Eddie to tell her what's up (because something has obviously been on his mind). And okay, she knows she should stay out of it. But she hates sitting and doing nothing while she can tell he's hurting.

The journal posts as "Emily G." without her realizing it.]

You know you're one of his best friends. If not the best.

Jul. 6th, 2015



[Following this.]

You'd think with the obvious attempts for attention, you'd come out of your hole, clown, instead of hiding behind a grin carved on a dead man's face.

Jun. 22nd, 2015


Eddie N, Death, Stephanie B, Natasha R

[Group lock: Eddie N & "Em"]
So, when's the grand opening?

[Locked Stephanie B]
I've had all the unwashed bodies I can take. Up to something undull?

[Locked to Natasha R]
Remember me?

Jun. 11th, 2015


Marvel log, Muerte and Eddie

Who: Muerte and Eddie
What: Cuddle time and words? And some angst?
Where: Their apartment over the comic shop - Marvel
When: Shortly after she gives up being Deathly.
Warnings/Rating: Some residual sads?

It was the choice that needed to be made )


eddie/muerte quicklog backdated to the day after magic times

[It was late morning/early afternoon and the city was wide awake. Eddie was getting used to the Marvel sun in a way that he never really thought he could. Gothamites always hissed at it, but what did Gotham have to offer lately? A broken city full of greys and browns that weren't nearly as fun as the city he had loved for so long. Eddie Nigma thought it was fair to say he didn't need to spend most of his time there anymore. He was a changed man (a deeply changed man) and adapting to new worlds was simple. Especially when one of them had a home and a woman he could come back to and care for.

He hadn't slept, spending all night with his mentors to make sure he could control his old (new) powers. Coming back without a good handle on them meant chaos for his new comic book shop and apartment. It meant ghosts floating through the walls and skeletons pushing at the floorboards. It wasn't easy, but by daylight he was in control enough to go home and sleep. Home and he liked the sound of that.

Dressed in a black suit with green pinstripes and smelling a bit like bog moss and cinnamon bark, he got to the front door of the shop and realized all too suddenly that he didn't have his keys. He searched the napsack full of his PJs and a few items to help him with his powers and sighed when he couldn't find it or his journal. The poor man didn't even have something to pick the locks with (which he found incredibly embarrassing) or a way to get Muerte to let him in. There was only one solution: climb the back alley catwalk, hop over the adjoining balconies and knock on the window.] Hovering. I need to learn how to hover. I don't even need to fly, just hover. [He murmured as he made his journey to the alley and up the catwalk rather quietly.

Indeed, he was pleased at how light footed he was after all these years of inactivity. Memories colored in a certain shade of green lit up his sleepy mind as he hopped from one balcony to the next until he reached their apartment. Ah, he still had. it. Eddie knocked on their window, trying very, very hard to wipe that proud smirk off his face.]

Jun. 5th, 2015


[Selina K]

[After this conversation.]

I hear you might decide to be our neighbor. [Easily, like there's no hesitation on 'our'.]

Jun. 3rd, 2015



[Because he's tired of who is and isn't on a lock.]

Don't expect a new Arkham.

[Private to Muerte]
[After talking to Selina:]

What a strange place this city has turned into while I was away.


Destiny, Muerte says hi.

May. 27th, 2015


death, steph, public


I never had the desire to know what I would dream about if I did dream.

[Stephanie B.]

After one of these, I understand it's typical to check on people.

[Public, from "Dot"]


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